Nr.Cota AutorTitluDisponibil
556BIA1.3#2Biard, JoëlLes lieux de l'argumentationda
557BIA1.4Biard, JoëlRecherches sur Dietrich de Freibergda
558BIA1.5Biard, Joel Raison et demonstration. Les commentaires medievaux sur les Seconds Analitiquesda
559BIA1.6Biard, Joël; Celeyrette, Jean (eds.)De la théologie aux mathematiques: l'infini au XIVe siècleda
560BIA1.7Biard, Joël; Mariani Zini, Fosca (eds.)Ut philosophia poesis : questions philosophiques dans l'œuvre de Dante, Pètrarque et Boccacenu
561BIA2.1Bianchi, LucaCensure et liberte intellectuelle a l'Universite de Paris (XIIIe-XIVe siecles)da
562BIA2.2Bianchi, Luca Verites dissonantes. Aristote a la fin du Moyen Ageda
563BIB1.1Bibliotèque nationale de FranceLes manuscrits à peintures en Franceda
564BIB2.1.7-Biblia Sacra Vulgata, vol. VII (Evangheliile, Faptele Apostolilor)da
565BIB2.2Weber-Gryson (ed.)Biblia sacra : iuxta Vulgatam versionemda
566BIB3.1Coogan, Michael David; Brettler, Marc Zvi ; Newsom, Carol Ann (eds.)The new Oxford annotated Bibleda
567BIB4.1.1Alter, Robert (ed.)The Hebrew Bible (Vol. I. The Five Books of Moses)da
568BIB4.1.2Alter, Robert (ed.)The Hebrew Bible (Vol. II. Prophets)da
569BIB4.1.3Alter, Robert (ed.)The Hebrew Bible (Vol. III. The Writings)da
570BIB5.1***Tanakh, the Holy Scriptures. The New JPS Translation According to the Traditional Hebrew Text [Torah, Nevi'im, Kethuvim]da
571BIB6.1.1Feldman, Louis H.; Kugel, L. James; Schiffman, Lawrence H. (eds.)Outside the Bible: ancient Jewish writings related to scripture (vol. I)da
572BIB6.1.2Feldman, Louis H.; Kugel, L. James; Schiffman, Lawrence H. (eds.)Outside the Bible: ancient Jewish writings related to scripture (vol. II)da
573BIB6.1.3Feldman, Louis H.; Kugel, L. James; Schiffman, Lawrence H. (eds.)Outside the Bible: ancient Jewish writings related to scripture (vol. III)da
574BIB7.1.1Saebø, Magne (ed.)Hebrew Bible, Old Testament, Vol. 1. From the beginnings to the Middle Ages (until 1300) Pt. 1: Antiquityda
575BIBL1.16Zerdoun Bat-Yehouda, MoniqueLes papiers filigranés des manuscrits hébreux datés jusqu'à 1450da
576BIBL1.34Andrist, Patrick; Canart, Pault; Maniaci, Marilena La syntaxe du codex : essai de codicologie structuraleda
577BIBL1.41Gumbert, Johan PeterBat books: a catalogue of folded manuscripts containing almanacs or other textsnu
578BIBL1.45Golob, Nataša,; Vodopivec, Jedert (ed.)Bookbindings : theoretical approaches and practical solutions da
579BIBL1.46Reynhout, Lucien; Victor Benjamin (ed.)Librorum studiosus : Miscellanea palaeographica et codicologica Alberto Derolez dicata da
580BIBL1.49Corbellini, Sabrina; Murano, Giovanna; Signore, Giacomo (ed.)Collecting, organizing and transmitting knowledge [Texte imprimé] : Miscellanies in late medieval Europenu