Nr.Cota AutorTitluDisponibil
3856WUS1.1Wüsthof, Lucas Schwabenspiegel und Augsburger Stadtrecht da
3857WYC1.1John WycliffOn Universalsda
3858WYC1.2John Wycliff, Ivan J. Mueller (ed.)Tractatus de universalibusda
3859WYS1.1Wyser, PaulThomas von Aquinda
3860XEN1.1XenophonAnabase (Morceaux choisis)da
3863XEN1.4XenophonInstitutio Cyrida
3864XEN1.5XenophonDe Re Equestrida
3865XEN1.6XenophontisExpeditio Cyrida
3866YEH1.1Yĕhūdāh hal-LēwīDas Buch al-Chazari des Abû-L-Ḥasan Jehuda Hallewi da
3867YEH1.2Yehudah ha-LeṿiThe Book of Kuzarida
3868YOU1.1Young, Spencer E.Scholarly community at the early univerity of Paris : theologians, education and society, 1215-1248da
3869YOU1.2Young, Spencer E. (ed.)Crossing Boundaries at Medieval Universitiesda
3870YOU2.1Young, PatrickCatalogus librorum manuscriptorum bibliothecae wigorniensisda
3871ZAB1.1Joseph Ibn ZabaraLe Livre de Délicesda
3872ZEH1.1Zehnacker, Hubert ; Fredouille, Jean-Claude Littérature latineda
3873ZEL1.1.1Zeller, EdoardoLa filosofia dei greci nel suo sviluppo storico (vol. I)da
3874ZEL1.1.2Zeller, Edoardo; Mondolfo, R.La filosofia de greci nel suo sviluppo storico (vol. II)da
3875ZEL2.1Zeller, FranzDie Apostolischen Väterda
3876ZIC1.1#1Zickermann, Kathrin Across the German Sea. Early Modern Scottish Connections with the Wider Elbe-Weser Regionda
3877ZIC1.1#2Zickermann, KathrinAcross the German Sea. Early Modern Scottish Connections with the Wider Elbe-Weser Regionda
3878ZWA1.1Zwaenepoel, John P.Les quaestiones in Librum de causis atribuées à Henri de Gandda
3879~A.XV/1          Dionysiusda
3880~A.XV/57***Melanges de l'Universite Saint-Josephda