3796 | VIE1.1#2 | Vielliard, Françoise (dir.) | Conseils pour l'edition des textes medievaux. Fascicule I | da |
3797 | VIE2.1 | Vielliard, Jeanne (ed.) | Le registre de pret de la bibliotheque du college de Sorbonne (1402-1536) | da |
3798 | VIG2.1 | Viglione, M.; Pedretti, I. | Catalogo Degli inconaboli della Biblioteca Della Pontificia Universita Gregoriana | da |
3799 | VIG1.2 | Vignaux, Paul | Philosophie au moyen age | nu |
3800 | VIG1.1 | Vignaux, Paul (coord.) | Problemes et methodes d'histoire des religions | da |
3801 | BEA3.1 | Vincent de Beauvais.; Fernández, Irene Villarroel | Flores philosophorum et poetarum : tras la huella del Speculum doctrinale de Vicente de Beauvais | da |
3802 | VLA1.1 | Vlad, Marilena | Dincolo de fiinta, Neoplatonismul si aporiile originii inefabile | da |
3803 | VLA2.1 | Vlastos, Gregory | Plato: a collection of critical essay | da |
3804 | VOG1.1 | Vogel, Cyrille | Introduction aux sources de l'histoire du culte chretien au moyen age | da |
3805 | VOI1.1 | Voicu, Mihaela | La litterature francaise du Moyen Age. Xe-XVe siecles | da |
3806 | VOL1.1 | Vollert, Cyril O. | The Doctrine of Hervaeus Natalis on primitive justice and original sin, as developed in the controversy on original sin during the early decades of the 14th century | nu |
3807 | ROC1.1 | von de la Rochelle, Johannes | Summe über die Seele | da |
3808 | VUI1.1 | Vuillemin, Jules | Le Dieu D'Anselme et les apparences de la raison | da |
3809 | HEF1.1#1 | W. Heffernan, J. Kleinig (eds.) | Private and Public Corruption | da |
3810 | HEF1.1#2 | W. Heffernan, J. Kleinig (eds.) | Private and Public Corruption | da |
3811 | WAD1.1 | Waddell, Helen | The Wandering Scholars | da |
3812 | WAH1.1 | Wahl, Jean | Etude sur le Parmenide de Platon | da |
3813 | BUR7.1 | Walter Burleigh | De vita et moribus philosophorum | da |
3814 | CHA4.1.1 | Walter Chatton | Reportatio super Sententias, Liber I, dist. 1-9 | da |
3815 | CHA4.1.2 | Walter Chatton | Reportatio super Sententias, Liber II | da |
3816 | CHA4.2.1 | Walter Chatton | Lectura super Sententias, Liber I, dist. 1-2 | da |
3817 | CHA4.2.2 | Walter Chatton | Lectura super Sententias, Liber I, dist. 3-7 | da |
3818 | CHA4.2.3 | Walter Chatton | Lectura super Sententias, Liber I, dist. 8-17 | da |
3819 | CHA4.3.1 | Walter of Chatton | Reportatio et lectura super Sententias. Collatio ad librum primum et prologus | da |
3820 | WAN1.1 | Wannenmacher, Julia Eva (ed.) | Joachim of Fiore and the Influence of Inspiration: Essays in Memory of Marjorie E. Reeves (1905-2003) | da |