3666 | SCRI72.2 | *** | Scriptorium | da |
3667 | SCRI0.1 | *** | Scriptorium (Index I-XXX) | da |
3668 | HEM1.1 | De Hemptinne, Thérèse; Fraeters, Veerle; Góngora, Mariá Eugenia (eds.) | Speaking to the eye: sight and insight through text and image (1150-1650) | da |
3669 | HAR4.1 | Harrison, Thomas | The ark of studies | nu |
3670 | SCH15.1 | Schrader, Dylan | The Shortcut to Scholastic Latin | nu |
3671 | CEV2.1 | Cevolini, Alberto | De arte excerpendi : imparare a dimenticare nella modernità | nu |
3672 | JAC2.1 | Jacob, Christian (ed.) | Lieux de savoir. 2: Les mains de l'intellect | nu |
3673 | TRO1.5 | Trottmann, Christian | Bernard de Clairvaux et la philosophie des cisterciens du XIIe siècle | nu |
3674 | ERL2.1 | Erll, Astrid; Nünning, Ansgar (eds.) | A companion to cultural memory studies | nu |
3675 | CLA5.2 | Classen, Albrecht | The power of a woman's voice in medieval and early modern literatures | da |
3676 | ATH1.3 | Athanasius Alexandrinus | Vitae Antonii versiones Latinae: vita beati Antonii abbatis Euagrio interprete | da |
3677 | BPJAM23.2020 | Baumbach, Manuel; Pluta, Olaf | Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch fur Antike und Mittelalter | da |
3678 | DIO1.8 | Dionisie Areopagitul | Despre ierarhia cerească | da |
3679 | DEC3.1 | Decaix, Véronique | Constituer le réel: noétique et métaphysique chez Dietrich de Freiberg | da |
3680 | HAB1.1 | Habinek, Thomas | The world of Roman song : from ritualized speech to social order | da |
3681 | BIB7.1.1 | Saebø, Magne (ed.) | Hebrew Bible, Old Testament, Vol. 1. From the beginnings to the Middle Ages (until 1300) Pt. 1: Antiquity | da |
3682 | COW1.1 | Cowling, David; Bruun, Mette B. (eds.) | Commonplace culture in western Europe in the early modern period, 1: Reformation, Counter-Reformation and revolt | nu |
3683 | LOC1.1 | Locke, John | John Locke: literary and historical writings | nu |
3684 | DUN2.1 | Duncan, Dennis; Smyth, Adam (eds.) | Book parts | nu |
3685 | OCK1.8.1 | Guillelmus de Ockham | Dialogus : Part 1, books 1-5 | nu |
3686 | BLA4.1 | Blair, Ann M. | Too much to know: managing scholarly information before the modern age | nu |
3687 | RIC4.2 | Richard de Saint-Victor; Ives de Sancto Victore | Epître à Séverin sur la charité/Les quatre degrés de la violente charité | nu |
3688 | DRO1.1 | Dronke, Peter | Nine medieval Latin plays | da |
3689 | POS2.1 | Posa, Carmel | A not-so-unexciting life: essays on Benedictine history and spirituality in honor of Michael Casey, OCSO | da |
3690 | GAR2.1 | Gardiner, Michael | Hildegard von Bingen's Ordo virtutum : a musical and metaphysical analysis | da |