3551 | TAT1.1 | Tataru-Cazaban, Bogdan (coordonator) | Pluralitatea metafizicii medievale. Istorie si structuri | da |
3552 | TAT2.1 | Tat, Alin; Tuţu, Claudiu (eds.) | Saint Dionysius the Areopagite. Sources, context, reception | da |
3553 | TAT3.1 | Tătaru-Cazaban, Miruna | Quod omnes tangit : une histoire médiévale du consentement politique : XIIIe-XIVe siecles | da |
3554 | TAV1.1 | Tavard, George H. | The contemplative church | da |
3555 | TAY1.1 | Taylor, A. E. | Platon | da |
3556 | TAY1.2 | Taylor, A. E, | Plato: the man and his work | da |
3557 | TAY2.1 | Taylor, Larissa et. al. | Encyclopedia of medieval pilgrimage | da |
3558 | TEE1.1 | Teeuwen, Mariken | The vocabulary of intellectual life in the Middle Ages | da |
3559 | TEO1.1 | Teofrast | Charaktere | da |
3560 | TEO1.2.1 | Teofrast | Historia plantarum (Opera omnia, tomus primus) | da |