Nr.Cota AutorTitluDisponibil
3411SIN1.1Singer, Samuel Apolonius von Tyrus. Untersuchungen uber das Fortleben des antiken Romans in spartern zeitenda
3412SIN2.1Sinaiko, Herman L.Love, Knowledge, and Discourse in Plato: Dialogue and Dialectic in Phaedrus, Republic, Parmenidesda
3413SIR1.1Sirat, Colette La philosophie juive médiévale en pays de chrétientéda
3414SIR1.2Sirat, Colette La philosophie juive médiévale en terre d'Islamda
3415SIR1.3Sirat, ColetteA history of Jewish philosophy in the middle agesda
3416SIS1.1Siserman, DanTeologia istoriei la Gioacchino din Fioreda
3417SIS1.2Siserman, Dan; Tat, Alin (eds.)Spicilegium Philosophicum – Studii de Filosofieda
3418SLE1.1Sleeman, J. H.; Pollet, GilbertLexicon Plotinianumda
3419SLO1.1Slotemaker, J., Witt, J.Robert Holcotda
3420SMA1.1Šmahel, František Charles University in the Middle Ages. Selected studiesda
3421SMA1.2Šmahel, František (ed.); Pavlicek, Ota (colab.)A Companion to Jan Husda
3422SME1.1Smet, Joachim (ed.)Manuscripts in the Vatican Library relating to the Carmelite Orderda
3423SMI1.1Smith, LesleyThe Glossa Ordinaria. The Making of a Medieval Bible Commentaryda
3424SMI2.1.1Martinus SmigleciusCommentaria in Organum Aristotelis, vol. Ida
3425SMI2.1.2Martinus SmigleciusCommentaria in Organum Aristotelis, vol. IIda
3426SMI3.1Smith, Randall B.Întruchipări ale înțelepciunii creștineda
3427SOE1.1Soetermeer, FrankUtrumque jus in peciisda
3428SOL1.1Solère, Jean-Luc; Vasiliu, Anca; Galonnier, Alain (ed.)Alain de Lille, le Docteur Universel. Philosophie, theologie, et litterature au XIIe siecleda
3429SOL1.2Solère, Jean-Luc; Kaluza, Z. (ed.)La servante et la consolatriceda
3430SOL2.1Solmsen, F. (ed.)Inscriptiones graecae ad inlustrandas dialectos selectaeda
3432SOR1.1Sorabji, RichardPhiloponus and the Rejection of Aristotelian Scienceda
3433SOR2.1Sorel, ReynalOrfeu şi orfismulda
3434SOU1.1de Souza, José Antonio de C. R. (org.)As Relaçoes de Poder: do Cisma do Ocidente a Nicolau de Cusada
3435SOU1.2de Souza, José Antonio de C. R. (org.)Edade média: Tempo do Mundo, tempo dos Homens, tempo de Deusda