3396 | FRA5.1 | Frank, Daniel H. ; Leaman, Oliver ; Manekin, Charles Harry (eds.) | The Jewish philosophy reader | da |
3397 | LON5.1 | Longeway, John | Demonstration and scientific knowledge in William of Ockham: a translation of 'Summa logicae' III-II: 'De syllogismo demonstrativo', and selections from the prologue to the 'Ordinatio' | da |
3398 | KRA2.1 | Kraemer, Joel L. | Humanism in the renaissance of Islam: the cultural revival during the Buyid age | da |
3399 | ADA3.1#2 | Adamson, Peter | In the age of al-Fārābī: Arabic philosophy in the fourth/tenth century | da |
3400 | CAM2.1 | Campbell, Richard | Rethinking Anselm's arguments. A vindication of his proof of the existence of God | da |
3401 | WRA1.1 | Wranovix, Matthew P. | Priests and their books in late medieval Eichstätt. Parish priests and their books | da |
3402 | BIB5.1 | *** | Tanakh, the Holy Scriptures. The New JPS Translation According to the Traditional Hebrew Text [Torah, Nevi'im, Kethuvim] | da |
3403 | BIB6.1.1 | Feldman, Louis H.; Kugel, L. James; Schiffman, Lawrence H. (eds.) | Outside the Bible: ancient Jewish writings related to scripture (vol. I) | da |
3404 | BIB6.1.2 | Feldman, Louis H.; Kugel, L. James; Schiffman, Lawrence H. (eds.) | Outside the Bible: ancient Jewish writings related to scripture (vol. II) | da |
3405 | BIB6.1.3 | Feldman, Louis H.; Kugel, L. James; Schiffman, Lawrence H. (eds.) | Outside the Bible: ancient Jewish writings related to scripture (vol. III) | da |
3406 | LUK1.1 | Lukács, Edit Anna | Dieu est une sphère : la métaphore d'Alain de Lille à Vincent de Beauvais et ses traducteurs | da |
3407 | REH1.1 | Rehm, Rush | Marriage to Death, The Conflation of Wedding and Funeral Rituals in Greek Tragedy | da |
3408 | CAS1.5 | Cassin, Barbara (coord.) | Vocabularul european al filosofiilor | nu |
3409 | KUN2.1 | Kunitzsch, Paul | The Arabs and the stars: texts and traditions on the fixed stars, and their influence in medieval Europe | da |
3410 | KEN2.1 | Kennedy, Edward S. | Astronomy and astrology in the Medieval Islamic world | da |
3411 | ALB2.10 | Albert cel Mare | Despre sufletul rațional | da |
3412 | VER3.3 | Verger, Jacques | Universitățile în Evul Mediu | da |
3413 | RAT1.4 | Ratzinger, Joseph (Papa Benedict al XVI-lea) | Despre creație și cădere | da |
3414 | GEO1.1.1 | Georgius Acropolita | Georgii Acropolitae Opera. 1. Continens Historiam, Breviarium historiae, Theodori Scutariota e additamenta | da |
3415 | GEO1.1.2 | Georgius Acropolita | Georgii Acropolitae Opera. 2. Continens scripta minora praecedit dissertatio de vita scriptoris | da |
3416 | DIA2.1 | Diadochus <de Photice> | Sancti Diadochi episcopi Photicensis de perfectione spirituali capita centum | da |
3417 | THE7.1 | Theophylactus Simocatta | Theophylacti Simocattae Historiae | da |
3418 | IOH3.1.3 | Joannes Zonaras | Ioannis Zonarae Epitome historiarum. Tome 3 | da |
3419 | IOH3.1.5 | Joannes Zonaras | Ioannis Zonarae Epitome historiarum. Tome 5 | da |
3420 | NAZ1.2 | Gregorius Nazianzenus | Christus patiens | da |
3421 | CAL5.1 | Callinicus | Callinici De vita S. Hypatti | da |
3422 | ANA2.1 | Anastasia Sancta | Apocalypsis Anastasiae | da |
3423 | VAR3.1 | Vári, Rudolf (ed.) | Liber de re militari | da |
3424 | LYD1.2 | Ioannes Lydus | De magistratibus populi romani | da |
3425 | STE6.1 | Stepanos Taronetsi | Des Stephanos von Taron armenische Geschichte | da |
3426 | LYC1.2 | Lycophronus | Alexandra | da |
3427 | HIE2.1 | Hierocles Byzantinus | Synecdemus | da |
3428 | DEW2.1 | De Witt, Norman W. | Epicurus and his philosophy | da |
3429 | PSE1.3.1 | Michael Psellos | Chronographie ou histoire d'un siècle de Byzance : (976 - 1077). Tome 1 | da |
3430 | PSE1.3.2 | Michael Psellos | Chronographie ou histoire d'un siècle de Byzance : (976 - 1077). Tome 2 | da |
3431 | MAN5.1 | Mandouze, André | Saint Augustin.L'aventure de la raison et de la grâce | da |
3432 | OVI1.5 | Herescu, Nicolae I. (ed.) | Ovidiana. Recherches sur Ovide | da |
3433 | PHI1.9 | Iohannes Philoponus | Joannis Philoponi De opificio mundi libri VII | da |
3434 | PRO4.1 | Theodorus Prodromus | Theodori Prodromi Catomyomachia | da |
3435 | THE8.1 | Theodoretus Cyrensis | Theodoreti Graecarum affectionum curatio | da |
3436 | BEA3.1 | Vincent de Beauvais.; Fernández, Irene Villarroel | Flores philosophorum et poetarum : tras la huella del Speculum doctrinale de Vicente de Beauvais | da |
3437 | MAG4.1#2 | Magnano, Fiorella | Boethius on Topical Differences | da |
3438 | WOO2.1 | Woodhouse, Christopher M. | George Gemistos Plethon : the last of the Hellenes | da |
3439 | MAS1.1 | Masai, François | Pléthon et le platonisme de Mistra | da |
3440 | HOL2.1 | Hölscher, Ludger | The reality of the mind : Augustine's philosophical arguments for the human soul as a spiritual substance | da |
3441 | COH2.1 | Cohen-Hanegbi, Naama; Nagy, Piroska (eds.) | Pleasure in the Middle Ages | nu |
3442 | GOO2.1 | Goodman, Lenn Evan | Jewish and Islamic philosophy | da |
3443 | GIR3.1 | Giraud, Cédric (ed.) | A companion to twelfth-century schools | da |
3444 | OCK1.1.1 | Guillelmus de Ockham | Opera Politica I | da |
3445 | OCK1.1.2 | Guillelmus de Ockham | Opera Politica II | da |