Nr. | Cota | Autor | Titlu | Disponibil |
3086 | DAH1.3 | Dahan, Gilbert | L'exégèse chrétienne de la Bible en Occident médiéval : XIIe-XIVe siècle | nu |
3087 | HER5.1 | Herrero López, Montserrat; Aurell, Jaume ; Miceli Stout, Angela C. (eds.) | Political theology in medieval and early modern Europe: discourses, rites, and representations | da |
3088 | ARI1.67.3 | Aristoteles | De animalibus, vol. 3: Books XV - XIX: Generation of animals | da |
3089 | YEH1.1 | Yĕhūdāh hal-Lēwī | Das Buch al-Chazari des Abû-L-Ḥasan Jehuda Hallewi | da |
3090 | CAP7.2 | Cappelli, Adriano | Cronologia, cronografia e calendario perpetuo: dal principio dell'era cristiana ai nostri giorni | da |
3091 | DIL2.1 | Dillon, Matthew | Girls and women in classical greek religion | da |
3092 | BPhM60 | Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale, nr. 60 | da | |
3093 | MS1.31 | *** | Mediaeval Studies | da |
3094 | MS1.32 | *** | Mediaeval Studies | da |
3095 | MS1.33 | *** | Mediaeval Studies | da |