Nr. | Cota | Autor | Titlu | Disponibil |
2876 | HDK4 | Iserloh, Erwin | Reformation Katholische Reform und Gegenreformation | da |
2877 | NIC3.1 | Nicholas of Methone | Refutation of Proclus' Elements of Theology | da |
2878 | LIL1.3 | Lille, Alain de | Regeln der Theologie | da |
2879 | BEN1.2 | Sf. Benedict | Regula Monachorum | da |
2880 | ~D.LZ.1 | Zapartan, Liviu-Petru | Relatiile internationale | da |
2881 | THU2.1 | Thurkilli, Visio | Relatore, ut Videtur, Radulpho de Roggeshall | da |
2882 | BER11.1 | Nicole Bériou | Religion et communication: Un autre regard sur la prédication au Moyen Age | da |
2883 | MAR16.17 | Maritain, Jacques | Religion et culture | da |
2884 | MUS4.1 | Musonius Rufus | Reliquiae (ed. O. Hense) | da |
2885 | LIC1.1 | Granius Licinianus | Relivae | da |