261 | MAR2.2 | Marenbon, John (ed.) | Aristotle in Britain during the Middle Ages | da |
262 | HOO1.1 | Hood, Pamela M | Aristotle on the category of relation | da |
263 | ARI1.40.1 | Aristotel; Ross, W.D. | Aristotle's Metaphysics, vol. I | da |
264 | ARI1.40.2 | Aristotel; Ross, W.D. | Aristotle's Metaphysics, vol. II | da |
265 | HAA1.1 | F. de Haas, J. Mansfeld | Aristotle's On generation and Corruption, I, Symposium Aristotelicum | da |
266 | LAN3.1#1 | Lang, Helen S. | Aristotle's Physics and its medieval varieties | da |
267 | LAN3.1#2 | Lang, Helen S. | Aristotle's Physics and its medieval varieties | da |
268 | LEE2.2 | Pieter de Leemans (ed.) | Aristotle's Problemata in different Times and Tongues | da |
269 | GRA6.2 | Graham, W. Daniel | Aristotle's two systems | da |
270 | JAE1.1 | Jaeger, Werner | Aristotle.Fundamentals of the history of his Development | nu |