Nr.CotaAutorTitlu Disponibil
2583LEV1.1Lévy, Carlos (ed.)Philon d'Alexandrie et le langage de la philosophieda
2584SOR1.1Sorabji, RichardPhiloponus and the Rejection of Aristotelian Scienceda
2585CAS1.4Cassin, Barbara Philosopher en langues. Les intraduisibles en traductionda
2586BAR6.1J. Barnes, M.Griffin (eds.)Philosophia togata, I, Essays on Philosophy and Roman Societyda
2587BAR6.2J. Barnes, M.Griffin (eds.)Philosophia togata, Ii, Plato and Aristotle at Romeda
2588BRI2.3Brînzei, Monica; Schabel, Cristopher (eds.)Philosophical psychology in late-medieval commentaries on Peter Lombard's Sentencesda
2589VIG1.2Vignaux, PaulPhilosophie au moyen agenu
2590STE3.3Van Steenberghen, FernandPhilosophie des Mittelaltersda
2591GUE1.1Guelluy, RobertPhilosophie et Théologie chez Guillaume d'Ockhamda
2592MUL1.1Müller, Gernot Michael; Zini, Fosca Mariani (eds.)Philosophie in Rom - Römische Philosophie? : Kultur-, literatur- und philosophiegeschichtliche Perspektivenda
2593CUS1.5Nicolaus CusanusPhilosophische und Theologische Schriftenda
2594HOE1.3Hoenen, M. J. F. M.; Schneider, J. H. Josef; Wieland, GeorgPhilosophy and Learning. Universities in the Middle Agesda
2595ADA3.2Adamson, Peter ed.Philosophy and medicine in the formative period of Islamda
2596CLA7.1Clark, Gillian; Rajak, Tessa (eds.)Philosophy and power in the Graeco-Roman world : essays in honour of Miriam Griffinda
2597CUR1.1Curuț, Ioana FlaviaPhilosophy and Theology at the University of Vienna in the XVth Century: The Case of Thomas Ebendorferda
2598EME1.1Emery, Kent; Friedman, Russell (eds)Philosophy and theology in the long middle agesda
2599EME1.2Emery, Kent; Courteney, William (eds.)Philosophy and theology in the studia of the religious orders and at papal and royal courtsda
2600HYM1.1Hyman, Arthur, Walsh, James J. (eds.)Philosophy in the Middle Agesda
2601PHI7.1Westermann, Antonius Philostratorum et Callistrati operada
2602GRA3.1Grammont, MauricePHONETIQUE DU GREC ANCIENda
2604PLO1.8          Phronesis. Aug.2001, Vol. 46da
2610ARI1.24.1AristotlePhysics, I-IVda
2611ARI1.24.2AristotlePhysics, V-VIIIda
2613CHE2.1Dennis Des ChenePhysiologia. Natural Philosophy in Late Aristotelian and Cartesian Thoughtda
2614PHY1.1          Physiologus latinusda
2615GON1.1 Gonsette, J.Pierre Damien et la culture profaneda
2616OLI2.4Alain Boureau et Sylvain (eds.)Pierre de Jean OLivi (1248-1298), pensee scolastique, dissidence spirituelle et societeda
2617DAV3.1Davidson, Arnold I.; Worms, Frederic (eds.)Pierre Hadot, l'enseignement des antiques, l'enseignement des modernesda
2618DEL1.1Delhaye, PhilippePierre Lombard. Sa vie, ses oeuvres, sa moraleda
2619MAC5.1MacCoinnich, Aonghas Plantation and civility in the North Atlantic world: the case of the northern Hebrides, 1570 - 1639da
2620KEU1.1Keuls, Eva C.Plato And Greek Paintingda
2621ROB1.1Robinson, RichardPlato's Earlier Dialecticda
2622PLA1.25PlatoPlato's Ioda
2623COR3.1Cornford, Francis M.Plato's Theory of Knowledge (The Theaetetus and the Sophist)da
2624BOB3.1Bobonich, ChristopherPlato's utopia recast : his later ethics and politics da
2625VLA2.1Vlastos, GregoryPlato: a collection of critical essayda
2626TAY1.2Taylor, A. E,Plato: the man and his workda
2627NIE3.1Nietzsche, Friedrich ; Merker, Anne (ed.)Platonda
2628TAY1.1 Taylor, A. E.Platonda
2629SCH6.1Schuhl, Pierre-MaximePlaton et l'art de son temps (Arts plastiques)da
2630PAT3.1Patocka, JanPlaton et L'Europeda