Nr.Cota AutorTitluDisponibil
2556PHA1.1Pharr, ClydeHomeric Greekda
2557PHI1.1Ioan Filopon, Scholten Clemens (ed.)De aeternitate mundida
2558PHI1.2Ioan Filopon, Scholten Clemens (ed.)De aeternitate mundi - über die Ewigkeit der Weltda
2559PHI1.3Ioan Filopon, Scholten Clemens (ed.)Über die Ewigkeit der Weltda
2560PHI1.4Ioan Filopon; Scholten Clemens (ed.)De aeternitate mundida
2561PHI1.5Ioan Filopon, Scholten Clemens (ed.)De aeternitate mundida
2562PHI1.6PhiloponusAgainst Aristotle, on the Eternity of the Worldda
2563PHI1.7Ioan Filopon; G. Verbeke (ed.)Commentaire sur le De anima d'Aristote; traduction de Guillaume de Moerbekeda
2564PHI1.8Iohannes PhiloponusDe aeternitate mundi contra Proclumda
2565PHI1.9Iohannes PhiloponusJoannis Philoponi De opificio mundi libri VIIda