Nr.Cota AutorTitluDisponibil
2551PET8.1Petrof, Elizabeth AlvildaBody and Soul. Essays on Medieval Women and Mysticism da
2552PHA1.1Pharr, ClydeHomeric Greekda
2553PHI1.1Ioan Filopon, Scholten Clemens (ed.)De aeternitate mundida
2554PHI1.2Ioan Filopon, Scholten Clemens (ed.)De aeternitate mundi - über die Ewigkeit der Weltda
2555PHI1.3Ioan Filopon, Scholten Clemens (ed.)Über die Ewigkeit der Weltda
2556PHI1.4Ioan Filopon; Scholten Clemens (ed.)De aeternitate mundida
2557PHI1.5Ioan Filopon, Scholten Clemens (ed.)De aeternitate mundida
2558PHI1.6PhiloponusAgainst Aristotle, on the Eternity of the Worldda
2559PHI1.7Ioan Filopon; G. Verbeke (ed.)Commentaire sur le De anima d'Aristote; traduction de Guillaume de Moerbekenu
2560PHI1.8Iohannes PhiloponusDe aeternitate mundi contra Proclumda