2541 | ERA1.2 | Desiderius Erasmus | Panegiric pentru Filip. Educarea principelui creştin | da |
2542 | SAL5.1 | Salonen, Kirsi | Papal justice in the late Middle Ages. The Sacra Romana Rota | nu |
2543 | HOF5.1 | Hoffe, Otfried, Imbach, Ruedi | Paradigmes de theologie philosophique | da |
2544 | CHI2.1 | Chindea, Gabriel | Paradoxul transcendenței la Aristotel și Plotin | da |
2545 | LEF1.1 | Leff, Gordon | Paris and Oxford Universities in the thirteenth and fourteenth century | da |
2546 | SCO1.5 | Johannes Duns Scotus | Pariser Vorlesungen über Wissen und Kontingenz | da |
2547 | COU5.2 | Courtenay, William J. | Parisian scholars in the early fourteenth century. A social portrait | da |
2548 | FAB1.1 | Fabro, Cornelio | Participation et causalite selon Thomas d'Aquin | da |
2549 | ARI1.65 | Aristotel | Parva naturalia : scurte tratate de ştiinţe naturale | da |
2550 | HOE1.4 | Hoenen, M. J. F. M; Engel, Karsten (eds.) | Past and future. Medieval studies today | da |