2526 | SAL4.1 | Salvador, Xavier Laurent | Archeologie et etimologie semantiques. La traduction du livre de l'Exode de la Bible Historiale (1295) | da |
2527 | BER3.2 | Pasquale Bermon (trad.), J. Verger (introd.) | La fondation de l'Universite de Paris | da |
2528 | RIC3.1 | Riche, Pierre; Verger, Jacques | Maitres et eleves au Moyen Age | da |
2529 | CRI3.2 | Crîșmăreanu, Florin | Quae videntur omnia cruce egent | da |
2530 | MOR4.1 | Mora-Marquez, Ana María | The Thirteenth-Century Notion of Signification. The Discussions and their Origin and Development | da |
2531 | MedEn24 | | Medieval Encounters | da |
2532 | EatRoL3.2 | | Erudition and the Republic of Letters | da |
2533 | Orie46 | *** | ORIENS. Journal of Philosophy, Theology and Science in the Islamic Societies | da |
2534 | IHIW6 | | Intellectual History of the Islamicate World | da |
2535 | Quae48 | | QUAERENDO. A journal Devoted to Manuscripts and Printed Books | da |