2501 | PAV1.1 | Pavlićěk, Ota (ed.) | Studying the arts in late Medieval Bohemia : production, reception, and transmission of knowledge | da |
2502 | PEA1.1 | Peacock, John | The Look of Van Dyck : the Self-Portrait with a Sunflower and the Vision of the Painter | da |
2503 | PEC1.1 | Joannes Pecham; J. Etzkorn (ed.) | Quodlibetum Primum | da |
2504 | PED1.1 | Pedech, Paul | La methode historique de Polybe | da |
2505 | PEL1.1 | Pelzer, Auguste | Etudes d'histoire littéraires sur la scholastique médiévale | da |
2506 | PEL1.2 | Pelzer, Auguste (ed.) | Repertoires d'incipit pour la litterature latine philosophique et theologique du moyen age | da |
2507 | PEL2.1 | Pelagonius | Ars veterinaria | da |
2508 | PEL3.1 | Pellegrin, Pierre | L'Excellence menacée - Sur la philosophie politique d'Aristote | da |
2509 | PEL4.1 | Pelbart din Timișoara | Rozariul de aur al teologiei. Prolog | da |
2510 | PEN1.1 | Pennington, Basil (ed.) | Saint Bernard of Claivaux. Studies commemorating the Eighth Centenary of his canonization | da |