2451 | CUS1.1.17.1 | Nicolaus Cusanus | Opera omnia: Sermones II (1443-1452) Sermones XXVII-XXXIX | da |
2452 | CUS1.1.16.3 | Nicolaus Cusanus | Opera omnia:Sermones I (1430-1441); fasciculus 3: sermones XI-XXI | da |
2453 | SCO1.12.1 | Iohannes Duns Scotus | Opera Philosophica I: Quaestiones in librum Porphyrii Isagoge, Quaestiones super Praedicamenta Aristotelis | nu |
2454 | OCK1.9.2 | Guillelmus de Ockham | Opera Philosophica II | da |
2455 | SCO1.12.2 | Iohannes Duns Scotus | Opera Philosophica II: Quaestiones in libros perihermenias Aristotelis, Quaestiones super librum elenchorum Aristotelis, Theoremata | da |
2456 | SCO1.12.3 | Iohannes Duns Scotus | Opera Philosophica III: Quaestiones super libros Metaphysicorum Aristotelis I-V | da |
2457 | SCO1.12.4 | Iohannes Duns Scotus | Opera Philosophica IV:Quaestiones super libros Metaphysicorum Aristotelis VI-IX | da |
2458 | SCO1.12.5 | Iohannes Duns Scotus | Opera Philosophica V: Quaestiones super secundum et tertium De Anima | da |
2459 | BER1.2 | Andrei Bereschi | Opera platoniciană între filosofie politică şi logică a mitului | da |
2460 | OCK1.1.1 | Guillelmus de Ockham | Opera Politica I | da |
2461 | OCK1.1.2 | Guillelmus de Ockham | Opera Politica II | da |
2462 | OCK1.1.3 | Guillelmus de Ockham | Opera Politica III | da |
2463 | OCK1.1.4#2 | Guillelmus de Ockham | Opera Politica IV | da |
2464 | OCK1.1.4 | Guillelmus de Ockham | Opera Politica IV | da |
2465 | ABE1.4.1 | Pierre Abelard (Petrus Abaelardus) | Opera Theologica I-II | da |
2466 | ABE1.4.2 | Pierre Abelard (Petrus Abaelardus) | Opera Theologica III | da |
2467 | ABE1.4.3 | Pierre Abelard (Petrus Abaelardus) | Opera Theologica IV-VI | da |
2468 | LUC3.1.1 | Lucian din Samosata | Opera vol I | da |
2469 | LUC3.1.3 | Lucian din Samosata | Opera vol III | da |
2470 | PLO1.2.1 | Plotin | Opera, vol. I | da |
2471 | PLO1.2.2 | Plotin | Opera, vol. II | da |
2472 | PLO1.2.3 | Plotin | Opera, vol. III | da |
2473 | SEX1.2.3 | Sextus Empiricus | Opera, vol. III | da |
2474 | SEX1.2.4 | Sextus Empiricus | Opera, vol. IV | da |
2475 | BER8.1 | Bernard de Clairvaux | Opera, vol. IX (continens: indices) | da |
2476 | BRUO1.3 | Bruno, Giordano | Opere complete III. De la causa, principio et uno | da |
2477 | BRUO1.4 | Bruno, Giordano | Opere complete IV. De l`infinito, universo e mondi | da |
2478 | MUR1.2 | Murano, Giovanna | Opere diffuse per exemplar e pecia | da |
2479 | ROS3.1.1 | D.D. Roşca | Opere filosofice (I) | da |
2480 | ROS3.1.2 | D.D. Roşca | Opere filosofice (II) | da |
2481 | SEX1.1.1 | Sextus Empiricus | Opere filozofice vol.I | da |
2482 | PLA1.18.1 | Platon | Opere I | da |
2483 | PLA1.18.2 | Platon | Opere II | da |
2484 | PLA1.18.3 | Platon | Opere III | da |
2485 | PLA1.18.4 | Platon | Opere IV | da |
2486 | PLA1.18.5 | Platon | Opere V | da |
2487 | BAC1.2 | Roger Bacon | Opus maius | da |
2488 | SYN1.1 | Synesius Cyrenensis | Opuscula | da |
2489 | AUS1.1 | Ausonius | Opuscula | da |
2490 | CEL2.1 | Conradus celtis | Opuscula | da |
2491 | PLE1.5 | Georgius Gemistus Plethon | Opuscula de historia graeca (ed. Maltese) | da |
2492 | GRO1.3 | Robert Grosseteste | Opuscula philosophica (ed. L. Baur) | da |
2493 | POR2.1 | Porphyrius | Opuscula Selecta | da |
2494 | PLE1.1 | Georges Gémiste Pléthon | Oracles Chaldaiques | da |
2495 | CIC1.14 | Marcus Tullius Cicero | Oratio pro Murena | da |
2496 | CIC1.17 | Marcus Tullius Cicero | Oratio pro P. Sestio | da |
2497 | CIC1.18#1 | M. Tullius Cicero | Orationes | da |
2498 | CIC1.18#2 | M. Tullius Cicero | Orationes | da |
2499 | AND1.1 | Andocide | Orationes | da |
2500 | DEM2.2.1 | Demosthenes | Orationes I | da |
2501 | DEM2.1.1 | Demosthenes | Orationes I (I-XIX) | da |
2502 | DEM2.1.2 | Demosthenis | Orationes II (XX-XL) | da |
2503 | DEM2.3.2.1 | Demostenes | Orationes II, pars I, (XX-XXIII) | da |
2504 | DEM2.1.3 | Demosthenis | Orationes III (XLI-LXI) | da |
2505 | CIC1.16 | M. Tullius Cicero | Orationes post reditum | da |
2506 | HYP1.1 | Hyperidus (ed. f. Blass) | Orationes quattuor | da |
2507 | CIC1.6.6 | Marcus Tullius Cicero | Orationes vol. VI | da |
2508 | ISO1.1.1 | Isocrates | Orationes Vol.1 (ed. Blass) | da |
2509 | ISO1.1.2 | Isocrates | Orationes Vol.2 (ed. Blass) | da |
2510 | CIC1.6.2 | Marcus Tullius Cicero | Orationes, vol II | da |
2511 | CIC1.6.3 | Marcus Tullius Cicero | Orationes, vol III | da |
2512 | CIC1.6.1 | Marcus Tullius Cicero | Orationes, vol. I | da |
2513 | THE3.2.3 | Themistius | Orationes, vol. III | da |
2514 | CIC1.6.4 | Marcus Tullius Cicero | Orationes, vol. IV | da |
2515 | CIC1.13 | M. Tullius Cicero | Orationes. De lege agraria | da |
2516 | ASC1.1 | Quintus Asconius Pedianus | Orationum Ciceronis quinque ennaratio | da |
2517 | CIC1.10 | M. Tullius Cicero | Orator | da |
2518 | COM2.1 | Jan Amos Comenius | Orbis Sensualium Pictus | da |
2519 | SCH1.1 | Schachten, Winfried H. J. | Ordo salutis : das Gesetz als Weise der Heilsvermittlung ; zur Kritik des hl. Thomas von Aquin an Joachim von Fiore | da |
2520 | SOR2.1 | Sorel, Reynal | Orfeu şi orfismul | da |
2521 | MAI3.1 | Maier, Friedrich; Zeller, Alfred | Organon: Grammatik II. Sazlehre | da |
2522 | Orie46 | *** | ORIENS. Journal of Philosophy, Theology and Science in the Islamic Societies | da |
2523 | CRO4.1 | Crouzel, Henri | Origène et Plotin: comparaisons doctrinales | da |
2524 | VER2.1 | Vernant, Jean-Pierre | Originile gandirii grecesti | da |
2525 | MON3.1 | Monagle, Clare | Orthodoxy and controversy in twelfth-century religious discourse. Peter Lombard's Sentences and the development of theology | da |
2526 | BIB6.1.1 | Feldman, Louis H.; Kugel, L. James; Schiffman, Lawrence H. (eds.) | Outside the Bible: ancient Jewish writings related to scripture (vol. I) | da |
2527 | BIB6.1.2 | Feldman, Louis H.; Kugel, L. James; Schiffman, Lawrence H. (eds.) | Outside the Bible: ancient Jewish writings related to scripture (vol. II) | da |
2528 | BIB6.1.3 | Feldman, Louis H.; Kugel, L. James; Schiffman, Lawrence H. (eds.) | Outside the Bible: ancient Jewish writings related to scripture (vol. III) | da |
2529 | OVI1.5 | Herescu, Nicolae I. (ed.) | Ovidiana. Recherches sur Ovide | da |
2530 | MAR16.23 | Maritain, Jacques; Maritain, Raissa | Pages de Leon Bloy | da |
2531 | JAE1.2 | Jaeger, Werner | Paideia. La formation de l'homme grecque | da |
2532 | ERA1.2 | Desiderius Erasmus | Panegiric pentru Filip. Educarea principelui creştin | da |
2533 | SAL5.1 | Salonen, Kirsi | Papal justice in the late Middle Ages. The Sacra Romana Rota | nu |
2534 | HOF5.1 | Hoffe, Otfried, Imbach, Ruedi | Paradigmes de theologie philosophique | da |
2535 | CHI2.1 | Chindea, Gabriel | Paradoxul transcendenței la Aristotel și Plotin | da |
2536 | LEF1.1 | Leff, Gordon | Paris and Oxford Universities in the thirteenth and fourteenth century | da |
2537 | SCO1.5 | Johannes Duns Scotus | Pariser Vorlesungen über Wissen und Kontingenz | da |
2538 | COU5.2 | Courtenay, William J. | Parisian scholars in the early fourteenth century. A social portrait | da |
2539 | FAB1.1 | Fabro, Cornelio | Participation et causalite selon Thomas d'Aquin | da |
2540 | ARI1.65 | Aristotel | Parva naturalia : scurte tratate de ştiinţe naturale | da |
2541 | HOE1.4 | Hoenen, M. J. F. M; Engel, Karsten (eds.) | Past and future. Medieval studies today | da |
2542 | VIS1.1 | Claude VIshnu Spaak et Ovidiu Stanciu (dir.) | Patocka, Lecteur d'Aristote. Phenomenologie, ontologie, cosmologie | da |
2543 | BAD2.1 | Cristian Badilita (ed.) | Patristique et oecumenisme | da |
2544 | LTHK8 | Buchberger, Michael | Patron bis Rudolf | da |
2545 | COV1.1 | Cova, Luciano | Peccato originale. Agostino e il Medioevo | da |
2546 | PET6.1.1 | Pelagie la Penitente, Pierre Petitmengin | Pelagie la Penitente. Metamorphoses d'une legende I | da |
2547 | PET6.1.2 | Pelagie la Penitente, Pierre Petitmengin | Pelagie la Penitente. Metamorphoses d'une legende II | da |
2548 | MEI1.5 | Meirinhos, José; Lázaro Pulido, Manuel (org.) | Pensar a naturaleza | da |
2549 | AMI1.1 | Amir-Moezzi, Mohammad Ali; Dubois, J. D.; Jullien, C.; Jullien, F. (eds.) | Pensée grecque et sagesse d'orient: hommage à Michel Tardieu | da |
2550 | NAR1.1 | Narbonne, Jean-Marc; Reckermann, Alfons (ed.) | Pensees de l'"Un" dans l'histoire de la philosophie | da |