2451 | LAK1.1 | Laks, Andre | Diogene d'Apollonie | da |
2452 | LAN5.1 | Lancel, Serge | Saint Augustin | da |
2453 | ~C.23 | Lancranjan, Ioan | Incercari de reabilitare a gandirii crestine medievale. Studiu de sinteza | da |
2454 | LAN4.1 | Landersdorfer, P. S. (tr.) | Ausgewälte Schriften der Syrischer Dichter | da |
2455 | LAN2.1 | Landgraf, Artur Michael | Introduction a l'histoire de la littterature theologique de la scolastique naissante | da |
2456 | LAN3.1#2 | Lang, Helen S. | Aristotle's Physics and its medieval varieties | da |
2457 | LAN3.1#1 | Lang, Helen S. | Aristotle's Physics and its medieval varieties | da |
2458 | LAN1.1 | Langermann, Y. Tzvi (ed.) | Avicenna and his legacy | da |
2459 | LOV1.1 | Larsson Lovén, Lena ; Strömberg, Agneta (ed.) | Ancient marriage in myth and reality | da |
2460 | LAS1.1 | Lassere, F. | Etude sur les extraits medievaux de Strabon suivie d'un traite inedit de Michel Psellus | da |