2321 | GRE4.2 | Greenhalgh, Michael | Marble past, monumental present. Building with antiquities in the mediaeval Mediterranean | da |
2322 | MOU1.4 | Moutsopoulos, Evanghelos | Muzica în opera lui Platon | da |
2323 | BRO3.1 | James H. Brown | Imagining the Text | da |
2324 | PAP2.1 | Papacostea, Cezar | Evolutia Gandirii la Greci: Stefan Zeletin- viata si opera lui | da |
2325 | VAL3.1 | Lorenzo Valla | Dialogue sur le libre-arbitre | da |
2326 | HYB1.1 | Nils Hybel; Bjorn Poulsen | The Danish Resources C. 1000-1550. Growth and Recession | da |
2327 | URV1.1 | Urvoy, Dominique | Averroès. Les ambitions d'un intellectuel musulman | da |
2328 | ARN3.1 | Jóhann Páll Árnason; Björn Wittrock | Eurasian transformations, tenth to thirteenth centuries. Crystallizations, divergences, renaissances | da |
2329 | MAC5.1 | MacCoinnich, Aonghas | Plantation and civility in the North Atlantic world: the case of the northern Hebrides, 1570 - 1639 | da |
2330 | CUP1.1 | Cupane, Carolina ; Kronung, Bettina | Fictional Storytelling in the Medieval Eastern Mediterranean and Beyond | da |