2191 | BAL4.1 | Băltuță, Elena (ed.) | Medieval Perceptual Puzzles. Theories of Sense Perception in the 13th and 14th Centuries | da |
2192 | MAU1.1 | Maurer, Armand A. | Medieval Philosophy | da |
2193 | COP2.4 | Copleston, Frederick | Medieval Philosophy | da |
2194 | AER1.5 | Aertsen, Jan | Medieval Philosophy and the transcendentals. The case of Thomas Aquinas | da |
2195 | AER1.4 | Aertsen, Jan. A. | Medieval Philosophy as Transcendental Thought, from Philip the Cancellor (ca.1225) to Francisco Suarez | da |
2196 | KON1.4 | König-Pralong, Catherine | Médiévisme philosophique et raison moderne. De Pierre Bayle à Ernest Renan | da |
2197 | BRI1.1 | Briguglia, Gianluca (ed) | Medioevo in discussione. Temi, problemi, interpretazioni del pensiero medievale | da |
2198 | HUG1.5 | Hugo din Saint-Victor | Meditatii spirituale | da |
2199 | CLA5.1 | Classen, Albrecht (ed.) | Meeting the Foreign in the Middle Ages | da |
2200 | ECK3.1 | Meister Eckhart | Meister Eckhart: a modern translation | da |
2201 | ~A.XV/57 | *** | Melanges de l'Universite Saint-Joseph | da |
2202 | MEL2.1 | | Melanges de Philosophie, de Literature et d'Histoire Ancienne Offerts a Pierre Boyance | da |
2203 | XEN1.2 | Xenophon | Memorabilia | da |
2204 | MCC1.1 | Mcclive, Cathy | Menstruation and Procreation in Early Modern France | da |
2205 | AVI1.2 | Avicenna | Metafisica | da |
2206 | MEI1.2 | Meirinhos, José Francisco | Metafisica do Homem | da |
2207 | SAL2.3 | Ioannes Saresberiensis | Metalogicon | da |
2208 | SAL2.2 | Ioan din Salisbury; Hugo de Saint-Victor | Metalogicon, de septem septenis; Didascalicon | da |
2209 | APU1.1 | Apuleius | Metamorphoseis | da |
2210 | APU1.2 | Lucius Apuleius | Metamorphoseon | da |
2211 | OVI1.2 | Publius Ovidius Naso | Metamorphoses | da |
2212 | ARI1.44 | Aristotel | Metaphysica | da |
2213 | ARI1.1 | Aristotel | Metaphysica | da |
2214 | ARI1.57 | Aristotel | Metaphysica (ed. W. Christ) | da |
2215 | AL25.1.1 | Aristotel | Metaphysica Lib. I-IV. 4 (Aristoteles) | da |