1971 | HTKNT10.3 | Gnilka, Joachim | Der Philipperbrief | da |
1972 | HTKNT10.4 | Gnilka, Joachim | Der Philemonbrief | da |
1973 | GOD1.1 | Goddu, André | Copernicus and the Aristotelian Tradition | da |
1974 | GOD2.2 | Godescalc de Nepomuk | Teologia ca dispoziţie ştiinţifică. Prologul Comentariului la Cartea Sentinţelor | da |
1975 | GOD2.1 | Godescalp de Nepomuk | Super libros sententiarum. Ms. Kraków, BJ 1499 | da |
1976 | BIBL1.45 | Golob, Nataša,; Vodopivec, Jedert (ed.) | Bookbindings : theoretical approaches and practical solutions | da |
1977 | GOM1.1.2 | Gomperz, Theodor | The Greek Thinkers. A History of Ancient Philosophy Vol.2 | da |
1978 | GOM1.1.3 | Gomperz, Theodor | The Greek Thinkers. A History of Ancient Philosophy Vol.3 | da |
1979 | GOM1.1.1 | Gomperz, Theodor | The Greek Thinkers. A History of Ancient Philosophy Vol.1 | da |
1980 | GOO1.1 | Goodenough, Erwin R. | An Introduction to PHILO JUDAEUS | da |
1981 | GOO1.2 | Goodenough, Erwin R. | THE POLITICS OF PHILO JUDAEUS. Practice and Theory | da |
1982 | GOO2.1 | Goodman, Lenn Evan | Jewish and Islamic philosophy | da |
1983 | GOS1.1 | Gosden, David | Starting to Read Medieval Latin Manuscript | da |
1984 | GOS2.1 | Gosling, J. C. B.; Taylor, C. C. | The Greeks on Pleasure | da |
1985 | GOT1.1.1 | Gottschall, D; Sterr, G; | Der deutsche `Lucidarius´(vol. I) | da |
1986 | GOT1.2 | Gottschall, Dagmar | Konrad von Megenbergs, Buch von den natürlichen Dingen | da |
1987 | GOU4.1 | Gouguenheim, Sylvain | Aristote au Mont Saint Michel | da |
1988 | GOU3.1 | Goulet- Caze, Marie-Odile (ed.) | Etudes sur la theorie stoicienne de l'action | da |
1989 | CAZ2.1 | Goulet-Cazé, Marie-Odile | Le cynisme : une philosophie antique | da |
1990 | GOU2.2 | Goullet, Monique; Parisse, Michel | Traduire le latin médiéval | da |
1991 | GOU2.1 | Goullet, Monique; Parisse, Michel | Apprendre le latin médiéval | da |
1992 | GOU1.1 | Gourinat, Jean-Baptiste | La dialectique des stoïciens | nu |
1993 | GRA1.1 | Grabmann, Martin | Die mittelalterlichen Kommentare zur Politik des Aristoteles | da |
1994 | GRA2.1 | Gracia, Jorge J. E. | Individuation in Scholasticism | da |
1995 | GRA2.2 | Gracia, Jorge J. E. | Introduction to the Problem of Individuation in the Early Middle Ages | da |