1941 | LEC1.1 | Lechner, Joan Marie | Renaissance concepts of the commonplaces | nu |
1942 | LEE1.1 | Lee, Richard A. | Science, the singular, and the questions of theology | da |
1943 | LEE2.1 | Pieter de Leemans (ed.) | Translating at the Court. Bartholomew o Messina and Cultural Life at the Court of Manfred, King of Sicily | da |
1944 | LEE2.2 | Pieter de Leemans (ed.) | Aristotle's Problemata in different Times and Tongues | da |
1945 | LEE2.3 | Pieter de Leemans (ed.) | Between Text and Tradition. Pietro d'Abano and the Reception of Pseudo-Aristotle's Problemata Physica in the Middle Ages | da |
1946 | LEE2.4 | Pieter de Leemans (ed.) | On Good Authority. Tradition, Compilation and the Construction of Authority in Literature from Antiquity to the Renaissance | da |
1947 | LEF1.1 | Leff, Gordon | Paris and Oxford Universities in the thirteenth and fourteenth century | da |
1948 | LEF2.1 | Lefèvre, Charles | Sur l'évolution d'Aristote en phychologie | da |
1949 | LEF3.1 | Lefkowitz, Mary R. | Women in Greek myth | da |
1950 | LEF4.1 | Lefebvre, David | Dynamis : sens et genèse de la notion aristotélicienne de puissance | da |