1876 | KAN1.1 | Kant, Immanuel | Prolegomene la orice metafizica viitoare care se va putea infatisa drept stiinta | da |
1877 | KAN1.2 | Kant, Immanuel | Critica raţiunii practice | da |
1878 | KAN2.1 | Kandler, K.-H.; Mojsisch, B.; Stammkotter, F.-B. | Dietrich von Freiberg. Neue Perspektiven seiner Philosophie, Theologie und Naturwissenschaft | da |
1879 | KAP1.1 | Kaposi, Krisztina (ed.) | Enyedi 460. Tanulmanykotet Enyedi Gyorgy szuletesenek 460 evfordulojara rendezett kamarakonferencia eloadasaibol | da |
1880 | KAS1.1 | Kassel, Rudolf | Der text der aristotelischen phetorik | da |
1881 | KEC1.1 | Bartholomaeus Keckermann | Praecognita philosophica | da |
1882 | KEN1.1 | Kenny, Anthony | Aquinas on mind | da |
1883 | KEN2.1 | Kennedy, Edward S. | Astronomy and astrology in the Medieval Islamic world | da |
1884 | KES1.1 | Kesper-Biermann, Sylvia | Kriminalität in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit : soziale, rechtliche, philosophische und literarische Aspekte | da |
1885 | KEU1.1 | Keuls, Eva C. | Plato And Greek Painting | da |
1886 | KIE1.1.3 | Kieckers, E. | Historische griechische Grammatik. Syntax III | da |
1887 | KIE1.1.4 | Kieckers, E. | Historische griechische Grammatik. Syntax IV | da |
1888 | KIL1.1.2 | Robert Kilwardby | Quaestiones in librum secundum Sententiarum | da |
1889 | KIL1.1.5 | Robert Kilwardby | Quaestiones in quattuor libros sententiarum-appendix | da |
1890 | KIL1.2 | Kilwardby, Robert; Judy, Albert G. (ed.) | De ortu scientiarum | da |
1891 | KIL1.3 | Kilwardby, Robert; Lewry, P. Osmund (ed.) | On Time and Imagination. De Tempore. De Spiritu Fantastico | da |
1892 | KIR1.1 | Kirk, G.S.; Raven, J.E. | The Presocratic Philosophers | da |
1893 | KIR2.1.3 | Gert Haendler | Kirchengeschichte in Einzeldarstellungen, Band I/03 | da |
1894 | KIR2.1.5 | Gert Haendler | Kirchengeschichte in Einzeldarstellungen, Band I/05 | da |
1895 | KIR2.1.6 | Friedhelm Winkelmann | Kirchengeschichte in Einzeldarstellungen, Band I/06 | da |
1896 | KIR3.1 | Kirk, G. S. | The Homeric Poems As History | da |
1897 | KIR4.1 | Kirby, Gerald J. | Law in the Writings of John of Salisbury and St. Thomas Aquinas | da |
1898 | KIS1.1 | Kisseleva, Ludmila; Stirnemann, Patricia (eds.) | Catalogue des manuscrits medievaux en ecriture latine de la Bibliotheque de l'Academie des Sciences de Russie de Saint-Petersbourg | da |
1899 | KIT1.1#1 | Kitanov, Severin Valentinov | Beatific Enjoyment in Medieval Scholastic Debates. The Complex Legacy of Saint Augustine and Peter Lombard | da |
1900 | KIT1.1#2 | Kitanov, Severin Valentinov | Beatific Enjoyment in Medieval Scholastic Debates. The Complex Legacy of Saint Augustine and Peter Lombard | da |