Nr.Cota AutorTitluDisponibil
1491GLO1.1.1Glorieux, PalémonLa litterature quodlibetique de 1260 a 1320da
1492GLO1.1.2Glorieux, PalemonLa litterature quodlibetique, vol. IIda
1493GLO1.2.1Glorieux, PalémonAux origines de la Sorbonne. Vol. I Robert de Sorbonnu
1494GLO1.2.2Glorieux, PalémonAux origines de la Sorbonne. Vol. II Le cartulaireda
1495GLO1.3Glorieux, PalémonPour revaloriser Migne. Tables Rectificativesda
1496GLO2.1.1          Biblia cum Glossa ordinaria (vol. I)da
1497GLO2.1.2          Glossa ordinaria (vol. II)da
1498GLO2.1.3          Glossa ordinaria (vol. III)da
1499GLO2.1.4          Glossa ordinaria (vol. IV)da
1500GOD1.1Goddu, AndréCopernicus and the Aristotelian Traditionda
1501GOD2.1Godescalp de NepomukSuper libros sententiarum. Ms. Kraków, BJ 1499da
1502GOD2.2Godescalc de NepomukTeologia ca dispoziţie ştiinţifică. Prologul Comentariului la Cartea Sentinţelor da
1503GOF1.1Le Goff, Jaques; Schmitt, Jean-ClaudeDictionar tematic al Evului mediu occidentalnu
1504GOF1.2Le Goff, JacquesPentru un alt Ev Mediu : valori umaniste în cultura şi civilizaţia Evului Mediuda
1505GOM1.1.1Gomperz, TheodorThe Greek Thinkers. A History of Ancient Philosophy Vol.1da
1506GOM1.1.2Gomperz, TheodorThe Greek Thinkers. A History of Ancient Philosophy Vol.2da
1507GOM1.1.3Gomperz, TheodorThe Greek Thinkers. A History of Ancient Philosophy Vol.3da
1508GON1.1 Gonsette, J.Pierre Damien et la culture profaneda
1509GOO1.1Goodenough, Erwin R.An Introduction to PHILO JUDAEUSda
1510GOO1.2Goodenough, Erwin R.THE POLITICS OF PHILO JUDAEUS. Practice and Theoryda
1511GOO2.1Goodman, Lenn EvanJewish and Islamic philosophyda
1512GOS1.1Gosden, DavidStarting to Read Medieval Latin Manuscriptda
1513GOS2.1Gosling, J. C. B.; Taylor, C. C. The Greeks on Pleasureda
1514GOT1.1.1Gottschall, D; Sterr, G;Der deutsche `Lucidarius´(vol. I)da
1515GOT1.2Gottschall, DagmarKonrad von Megenbergs, Buch von den natürlichen Dingenda
1516GOU1.1Gourinat, Jean-BaptisteLa dialectique des stoïciensnu
1517GOU2.1Goullet, Monique; Parisse, MichelApprendre le latin médiévalda
1518GOU2.2Goullet, Monique; Parisse, MichelTraduire le latin médiévalda
1519GOU3.1Goulet- Caze, Marie-Odile (ed.)Etudes sur la theorie stoicienne de l'actionda
1520GOU4.1Gouguenheim, SylvainAristote au Mont Saint Michelda
1521GRA1.1Grabmann, MartinDie mittelalterlichen Kommentare zur Politik des Aristotelesda
1522GRA2.1Gracia, Jorge J. E.Individuation in Scholasticismda
1523GRA2.2Gracia, Jorge J. E.Introduction to the Problem of Individuation in the Early Middle Agesda
1524GRA2.3Gracia, Jorge J. E. (ed.)Individuation in Later Scholasticism and Counter-Reformation. 1150-1650da
1525GRA3.1Grammont, MauricePHONETIQUE DU GREC ANCIENda
1526GRA4.1Granarolo, JeanD`Ennius a Catulle. Recherches sur les antecedents romains de la "poesie nouvelle"da
1527GRA5.1Grant, Jeanne E. For the Common Good. The Bohemian Land Law and the Beginning of the Hussite Revolutionda
1528GRA6.1.1Graham, W. Daniel (ed.)The texts of early Greek philosophy : the complete fragments and selected testimonies of the major Presocratics. Part Ida
1529GRA6.1.2Graham, W. Daniel (ed.)The texts of early Greek philosophy : the complete fragments and selected testimonies of the major Presocratics. Part IIda
1530GRA6.2Graham, W. DanielAristotle's two systemsda
1531GRA6.3Graham, W. DanielExplaining the Cosmos: The Ionian Tradition of Scientific Philosophynu
1532GRA7.1Grasso, Christian; Miglio, Massimo (eds.)Eretico ed erotico nel Medioevo. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi (Roma, 1-2 dicembre 2016)da
1533GRE1.1.2Gregorius MagnusDialogues IIda
1534GRE1.2Gregorius MagnusHomiliae in Hiezechihelemda
1535GRE1.3.1Gregorio MagnoStorie di santi et di diavoli, vol. Ida
1536GRE1.3.2Gregorio MagnoStorie di santi et di diavoli, vol. IIda
1537GRE1.4Grigore cel Mare, Cristina Horotan (trad.)Dialogurida
1538GRE2.1Grellard, ChristopheCroire et savoir les principes de la connaissance selon Nicolas d' Autrecourtda
1539GRE2.2Grellard, ChristopheJean de Salisbury et la Renaissance medievale du scepticismeda
1540GRE2.3Grellard, Christophe (ed.)Miroir de l'amitié: mélanges offerts à Joël Biard à l'occasion de ses 65 ansda