Nr.Cota AutorTitluDisponibil
1276EME1.2Emery, Kent; Courteney, William (eds.)Philosophy and theology in the studia of the religious orders and at papal and royal courtsda
1277EME2.1Emerson, Jan Swango; Feiss, Hugh (eds.)Imagining heaven in the Middle Ages : a book of essaysnu
1278EMI1.1Emilsson, Eyjolfur KjalarPlotinus on Sense-Perception: A Philosophical Studyda
1279ENE1.1Enenkel, Karl A.E.; Göttler, Christine Solitudo: spaces, places, and times of solitude in late medieval and early modern culturesnu
1280ENY1.1Enyedi, GyorgyPredikaciok (vol. I)da
1281EPH1.1Ephram des SyrersHymnen gegen din Irrlehrenda
1282EPH1.2Ephram des SyrersAusgewalhte Schriftenda
1283EPI1.1EpicurEpistulae tres et ratae sententiaeda
1284EPI1.2Cornea, Andrei (ed.)Epicur şi Epicureismul
1285EPI1.3EpicurBriefe. Spruche. Werkfragmenteda
1287EPI2.2EpictetHandbuechlein der Moralda
1288EPI2.3.1EpictetOpera Omnia (Conversații, Manualul, Fragmente, Gnomologion)da
1289EPI3.1Epiphanius von SalamisAusgewalhte Schriftenda
1290ERA1.1.1Desiderius ErasmusThe correspondence of Erasmus. Letters 1 to 141da
1291ERA1.1.2Desiderius ErasmusThe correspondence of Erasmus. Letters 142 to 297da
1292ERA1.1.3Desiderius ErasmusThe correspondence of Erasmus. Letters 298 to 445da
1293ERA1.2Desiderius ErasmusPanegiric pentru Filip. Educarea principelui creştinda
1294ERI1.1Ioan Scotus EriugenaDe praedestinatione liberda
1295ERI1.2Ioan Scotus EriugenaComentariu la evanghelia lui Ioanda
1296ERI1.3Ioan Scotus Eriugena De divisione naturaeda
1297ERI1.4Ioan Scotus EriugenaHomelie sur le Prologue de Jeanda
1298ERI1.5Iohannes Scotus EriugenaHomilia super 'In principio erat verbum' et Commentarius in Evangelium Iohannisda
1299ERI1.6Iohannes Scotus EriugenaExpositiones in Ierarchiam Coelestiamda
1300ERI1.7.2Iohannes Scotus EriugenaPeriphyseon. Liber Secundusda