1221BAN1.2Ion BanuFilosofia greaca pana la Platon. Vol IIda
1222COU5.1Courtenay, WilliamSchools and Scholars in fourteenth century Englandnu
1223BRO2.2Peter BrownLa vie de Saint Augustinda
1224DUH1.2Duhem, Pierre; Arrew, Roger (ed.)Medieval Cosmology. Theories of infinity, place, time, void, and the plurality of worldsda
1225BON1.6Bonaventura; Letterio Mauro (trad.)Itinerario dell'anima a Dio, Breviloquio, Riconduzione delle arti alla teologiada
1226HAM1.8Hamesse, Jacqueline; Steel, Carlos (eds.)L'elaboration du vocabulaire philosophique au Moyen Ageda
1227CHR4.1Christianson, Gerald; Izbicki, Thomas M (eds.)On Christ and the Church. Essays in memory of Chandler McCuskey Brooks for the American Cusanus Societyda
1228CHR4.2Christianson, Gerald; Izbicki, Thomas M (eds.)Nicholas of Cusa in search of God and wisdom. Essays in honor of Morimichi Watanabe by the American Cusanus Societyda
1229PEP1.1Pepin, Jean Theologie cosmique et theologie chrettienne (Ambroise, Exam. I, 1-4)da
1230DAL1.1Dales, Richard C.Medieval discussions of the eternity of the worldda
1231GUI3.1Guitton, JeanLe temps et l'eternite chez Plotin et Saint Augustinda
1232PRO1.6Proclos (Proclus), Jean Trouillard (trad.)Elements de Theologieda
1233BOS1.1E. P. Bos, P. A. MeijerOn Proclus and his influence in medieval philosophyda
1234PUT1.2Putallaz, Francois-Xavier; Imbach, Ruedi Profession: Philosophe. Siger de Brabantda
1235CHE2.1Dennis Des ChenePhysiologia. Natural Philosophy in Late Aristotelian and Cartesian Thoughtda
1236HEI2.1Heimsoeth, H.Les six grands themes de la metaphysique occidentale du Moyen Age aux temps modernesda
1237PAS1.1Pasnau, RobertTheories of cognition in the Later Middle Agesda
1238WEB1.1Weber, Edouard-Henry La controverse de 1270 a l'Universite de Paris et son retentissement sur la pensee de S. Thomas d'Aquinoda
1239VAN3.1Vansteenberghen, E. Autour de la docte ignoranceda
1240DEL2.1Delorme, JeanLes grandes dates du Moyen Ageda
1241SEV1.1Seve, BernardLe question philosophique de l'existence de Dieuda
1242CLA1.1Bernard de ClairvauxL'amour de Dieu, La grace et le libre arbitreda
1243TRO1.3Trottmann, ChristianTheologie et noetique au XIIIe siecleda
1244GRA2.1Gracia, Jorge J. E.Individuation in Scholasticismda
1245JOL1.7Jolivet, Jean (ed.)Multiple Averroesda
1246HEI1.4Heidegger, Martin Traite des categories et de la signifcation ches Duns Scotusda
1247RUE1.1Francis Ruello/Luca BianchiLes "noms divins" et leurs "raisons" selon Albert le Grand commentateur du "De divinis nominibus"/L'errore di Aristotele - la polemica contro l'eternita del mondo nel XIII secoloda
1248MAC4.2.1Macrobe (Macrobius)Commentaire au songe de Scipion. Livre Ida
1249BLA2.1Albert BlaiseLexicon Latinitatis Medii Aevida
1250STE3.2van Steenberghen, Fernard Les oeuvres et la doctrine de Siger de Brabantda
1251MAR14.1Marcel, GabrielPresence et immortaliteda
1252BAL2.1Jean-Francois BalaudeLe savoir-vivre philosophiqueda
1253HOF3.1Hoffmann, Tobias; Muller, Jorn; Perkams, Matthias (ed.)Das problem der Willensshwache in der mittelalterlichen Philosophie/ The problem of Weekness of Will in Medieval Philosophyda
1254DAM3.1.2DamasciusTraite des premiers principes, vol. II (ed. Westerink)da
1255DAM3.1.3DamasciusTraite des premiers principes, vol. III (ed. Westerink)da
1256DAM3.2.2DamasciusCommentaire du Parmenide de Platon, tome II (ed. Westerink)da
1257DAM3.2.3DamasciusCommentaire du Parmenide de Platon, tome III (ed. Westerink)da
1258BAU2.1Bausi, Francesco Nec rhetor neque philosophus. Fonti, lingua e stile nelle prime opere latine di Giovanni Pico della mirandola (1484-87)da
1259LEA1.1Leal, JerónimoActas Latinas de Mártires Africanosda
1260OSB1.1.1Osbernus de GloucesterDerivazioni, vol. Ida
1261HAR3.1Harrauer, ChristineKosmos und Mythosda
1262OSB1.1.2Osbernus de GloucesterDerivazioni, vol. IIda
1263BAU3.1Bautier, Robert-Henri (dir.)La France de Philippe Auguste. Le temps des mutations : actes du colloque internationalda
1264NIC2.1Nikephoros GregorasDiscours contre les iconoclastesda
1265LEV1.1Lévy, Carlos (ed.)Philon d'Alexandrie et le langage de la philosophieda
1266COU5.2Courtenay, William J.Parisian scholars in the early fourteenth century. A social portraitda
1267KOL1.1Koller, Alexander (herausg.)Kurie und Politik. Stand und Perspektiven der Nuntiaturberichtsforschungda
1268ZEH1.1Zehnacker, Hubert ; Fredouille, Jean-Claude Littérature latineda
1269MAL3.1Maloney, Gilles; Savoie, R. (eds.)Cinq cents ans de bibliographie hippocratique. 1473-1982da
1270HAS2.1Hastings, RobertNature and reason in the Decameronda