101 | HOE1.2 | Hoenen, M. J. F. M.; de Libera, Alain | Albertus Magnus Und Der Albertismus | nu |
102 | ALB2.7 | Albertus Magnus | Albertus Magnus und sein System der Wissenschaften | nu |
103 | AFR1.4 | Alexander Of Aphrodisias; Eric Lewis (tr.) | Alexander Of Aphrodisias On Aristotle Meteorology 4 | nu |
104 | LYC1.2 | Lycophronus | Alexandra | da |
105 | LYC1.1 | Lycophronus | Alexandra (ed. Mascialino) | da |
106 | RAS1.1 | Rashed, Marwan | Alexandre d'Aphrodise, Commentaire perdu à la Physique d'Aristote (livres IV-VIII) | da |
107 | MOR2.2 | Moraux, Paul | Alexandre d'Aphrodise. Exegete de la Noetique d'Aristote | da |
108 | AFR1.3 | Alexandre d'Aphrodisias | Alexandre d'Aphrodisias commentaires sur les Météores d'Aristote | da |
109 | DAV2.1 | Davidson, Herbert A. | Alfarabi, Avicenna, and Averroes, on intellect | nu |
110 | PRO1.11 | d' Hoine, Pieter; Martijn, Marije (eds.) | All from one : a guide to Proclus | da |
111 | THU3.1 | Thuillier, Jean | Allez les rouges! Les jeux du cirque en Etrurie et a Rome | da |
112 | HAL4.1 | Halama, Ota(ed.) | Amica Sponsa Mater, Bible v Case Reformace | da |
113 | ADA2.1 | Adămuț, Anton | Amicus Plato sed magis amica veritas: Istoria spusei de la Homer la Tarski | da |
114 | MAR16.33 | Maritain, Jacques | Amour et Amitie | da |
115 | JAN1.1 | Janssens, Jules L. | An Annotated Bibliography on Ibn Sina | da |
116 | RYN1.1 | Rynhold, Daniel | An Introduction to Medieval Jewish Philosophy | nu |
117 | GOO1.1 | Goodenough, Erwin R. | An Introduction to PHILO JUDAEUS | da |
118 | XEN1.1 | Xenophon | Anabase (Morceaux choisis) | da |
119 | XEN1.3 | Xenophon | Anabasis | da |
120 | CRI3.1 | Crîşmăreanu, Florin | Analogie şi hristologie. Studii dionisiene şi maximiene | da |
121 | AL4.1-4 | Aristotel | Analytica Posteriora | da |
122 | AL3.1 | Aristotel | Analytica priora (Aristoteles) | da |
123 | ARI1.15 | Aristotel | Analytica Priora et Posteriora | nu |
124 | LEO1.1 | Leonardi, Claudio | Anastasio Bibliotecario e l'ottavo concilio ecumenico | da |
125 | STE1.1 | Steno, Nicolaus | Anatomical Observations of the glands of the eye and their new vessels thereby revealing the true source of tears | da |
126 | KAL2.1 | Kalhous, David | Anatomy of a duchy. The political and ecclesiastical structures of early Přemyslid Bohemia | da |
127 | AUL2.1 | Bradley A. Ault, Lisa C. Nevett (ed.) | Ancient Greek houses and households : chronological, regional, and social diversity | da |
128 | LOV1.1 | Larsson Lovén, Lena ; Strömberg, Agneta (ed.) | Ancient marriage in myth and reality | da |
129 | MON2.1 | Monson, Don A. | Andreas Capellanus, Scholasticism and the courtly tradition | da |
130 | DIO1.6 | Dionysius Areopagita | Angebliche Schriften uber di Beiden Hierarchien | da |
131 | AGA1.1 | Agamben, Giorgio | Angeli | da |
132 | TAC1.5 | Tacitus | Annales | da |
133 | TAC1.6.1 | Tacitus, Cornelius | Annales I | da |
134 | TAC1.7.1 | Tacitus, Cornelius | Annales Tom. 1 | da |
135 | TAC1.8.1 | Tacitus, Cornelius | Annales XI-XVI. I.2 | da |
136 | LIV3.1 | Livadiotti, Umberto | Anonimo del IV seccolo. Descrizione del mondo e delle sue genti | da |
137 | COS2.1#2 | Costa, Iacopo | Anonymi artium magistri Questiones super librum ethicorum Aristotelis | da |
138 | COS2.1#1 | Costa, Iacopo | Anonymi artium magistri Questiones super librum ethicorum Aristotelis | da |
139 | BAZ1.1 | Bernardo Carlos Bazan (ed.) | Anonymi Magistri Artium, Sententia super II et III De anima | da |
140 | COM4.1 | Coman, Daniel | Anselm din Canterbury. Influențe și receptări în logica și teologia medievală cu un studiu de caz pe comentariile sentențiare din a doua jumătate a secolului al XIV-lea | da |
141 | MAC3.1 | Costa Macedo, J. M. | Anselmo e a astucia de razao | da |
142 | STA2.1.1 | Stadtmueller, Hugo (ed.) | Anthologia graeca vol 1 | da |
143 | STA2.1.2 | Stadtmueller, Hugo (ed.) | Anthologia graeca vol 2.1 | da |
144 | STA2.1.3 | Stadtmueller, Hugo (ed.) | Anthologia graeca vol 3.1 | da |
145 | DIE5.1.1 | Diehl, E.(ed.) | Anthologia Lyrica Graeca fasc.1 | da |
146 | DIE5.1.2 | Diehl, E.(ed.) | Anthologia Lyrica Graeca fasc.2 | da |
147 | DIE5.1.3 | Diehl, E.(ed.) | Anthologia Lyrica Graeca fasc.3 | da |
148 | LIL1.1 | Lille, Alain de | Anticlaudianus | da |
149 | MAR16.4 | Maritain, Jacques | Antimoderne | da |
150 | DIO4.1.1 | Dionysius din Halikarnas | Antiquitatum Romanarum vol. 1 | da |