Nr. | Cota | Autor | Titlu | Disponibil |
516 | x-mor2.1 | Morris, Charles W. | Has Russel Passed the Tortoise? | da |
517 | x-mue1.1 | Mueller, Ian | Zeno's Paradoxes and Continuity | da |
518 | x-qua1.1 | Quan, Stanislaus | The solution of Zeno's first paradox | da |
519 | x-sch9 | David S. Schwayder | Achilles Unbound | da |
520 | x-she2.1 | Sherry, David M. | Zeno's Metrical Paradox Revisited | da |
521 | x-swe1.1 | Swenson, David F. | The Logical Significance of the Paradoxes of Zeno | da |
522 | x-vla1.4 | Vlastos, Gregory | Plato's Testimony concerning Zeno of Elea | da |
523 | x-wed1.1 | Wedeking, Gary A. | On a Finitist "Solution" to some Zenonian Paradoxes | da |
524 | x-wis1.1 | Wisdom, J.O. | Why Achilles does not Fail to Catch the Tortoise | da |
525 | x-dob1.1 | Dobbs, Darrel | Choosing Justice: Socratese' Model City and the Practice of Dialectic | da |