426 | x-sig1.2 | Siger de Brebant | Questiones in Methaphysicam | da |
427 | X-sch1.1 | Schabel C. | Questions on Future Contingents by Michael of Massa, OESA | da |
428 | x-poi1.19 | Poirel, Dominique | Quis quid ubi quibus auxiliis cur quomodo quando. Les recensions multiples des Allegoriae d'Isidore de Séville | da |
429 | X-reh1.1 | Rehn, Rudolf | Quomodo tempus sit? | da |
430 | X-hil2.1 | Hillgarth, J.N. | Ramon Lull and lullism in fourteenth-century france : Epilogue (chap. VII) | da |
431 | X-sch5.13 | Schabel C. | Reason and Revelation in the Sentences | da |
432 | X-his1.1 | Hisette, Roland | Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévale | da |
433 | x-bed1.1 | Bedu-Addo, J.T. | Recollection and the Argument 'From a Hypothesis' in Plato's Meno | da |
434 | X-bou1.1 | Boulnois, Olivier | Réelles intention: nature commune et universaux selon Duns Scot | da |
435 | X-jol1.3 | Jolivet, Jean | Reference et non-existance dans la Semantique de Guillaume D'ockham | da |
436 | X-nau1.1 | Naulin, Paul | Reflexions sur la portée de la preuve ontologique chez Anselme de Cantorbery | da |
437 | X-yol1.2 | Yolles, Julian | Rethinking Abelard | da |
438 | X-mah1.1 | Mahoney, Edward P. | Reverberations of the Condemnation of 1277 in Later Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy | da |
439 | X-vel1.1 | Veldhuijsen, P. van | Richard of Middleton contra Thomas Aquinas on the questions whether the created world could have been eternally produced by God | da |
440 | x-sca1.1 | Scazzoso, Piero | Rivelazioni del linguaggio Pseudo-Dionisiano intorno ai temi della contemplazione e dell'estasi | da |
441 | X-eld1.1 | Elders, Leo | Saint Thomas d'Aquin et la metaphysique du "Liber de causis" | da |
442 | X-rap1.1 | Rappe, Sara | Self-knowledge and subjectivity in the Enneads | da |
443 | X-gil1.1 | Gilson, Etienne | Sens et nature de l'argument de Saint Anselme | da |
444 | x-bra2.1 | Brague, Remi | Sens et valeur de la philosophie dans les trois cultures médiévales | da |
445 | X-mac3.1 | MacIsaac, Gregory | Sensation and Tought in Plotinus and Proclus | da |
446 | x-kir1.1 | Kirk, G.S. | Sense and Common-Sense in the Development of Greek Philosphy | da |
447 | X-bon1.1 | Bonaventurae | Sermo IV Christus unus omniummagister | da |
448 | x-may1.1 | Mayo, Bernard | Shooting It Out With Zeno | da |
449 | x-ste1.1 | Steel Carlos | Siger of Brabant versus Thomas Aquinas on the Possibility of Knowing the Separate Substances | da |
450 | X-wip1.1 | Wippel, John F. | Siger of Brabant: What It Means to Proceed Philosophically | da |