201 | X-aba1.1 | Abaelard, Peter; ed. Geyer, Bernhard | Incipiunt Glossae secundum magistrum Petrum Abaelardum super Porphyrium | da |
202 | X-wer1.1 | Werner, Hans-Joachim | Incommunicabilitas et Libertas | da |
203 | X-tat1.2 | Tătaru-Cazaban, Bogdan | Individualitate și infinit la Nicolaus Cusanus | da |
204 | X-sor1.1 | Sorabji, Richard | Infinite power impressed: the transformation of Aristotle's physics and theology | da |
205 | X-car3.1 | Carreras y Artau, Joaquín | Influencia de Ramon Llull en pensamiento teologico-filosofico de los siglos XIV y XV | da |
206 | x-eva1.1 | Evans, G. | Inopes verborum sunt latini, Technical Language and Technical terms in the Writings of St.Anselm and some Commentators of the Mid-twelft Century | da |
207 | X-gre1.1 | Greene, Robert A. | Instinct of nature: natural law, synderesis, and the moral sense | da |
208 | x-ris1.3 | Rist, John M. | Integration and the undescended soul in Plotinus | da |
209 | X-jol1.2 | Jolivet, Jean | Intelecte et Inteligence: note sur la tradition Arabo-Latine des XII et XIII Siecles | da |
210 | X-por2.1 | Porfir | Isagoge, | da |