Nr. | Cota | Autor | Titlu | Disponibil |
101 | x-baz1.1 | Bazán B. Carlos | Conception of the agent intellect and the limits of metaphysics | da |
102 | x-cor4.2 | Corcoran, John | Conceptual Structure of Classical Logic | da |
103 | x-kat1.1 | Kattsof, L. | Concerning yhe Validity of Aristotelian Logic | da |
104 | x-bla1.2#2 | Blazek, P. | Congres termines | da |
105 | x-bla1.2#1 | Blazek, P. | Congres termines | da |
106 | X-nie1.1 | Nietzsche, Friedrich | Considérations inactuelles I et II ( Deuxieme partie) | da |
107 | X-pat2.1 | Patocka, Jan | Constitution du corps | da |
108 | X-roe1.1 | Roesner, Martina | Continu, individu, esprit. la conception du temps chez le jeune Heidegger face a la théorie du temps de Dietrich de Freiberg | da |
109 | x-del1.1 | De Lacy, Phillip H | Contributions of the Herculanean Papyri to Our Knowledge of Epicurean Logic | da |
110 | x-klo1.4 | Klosko, G. | Criteria of Fallacy and Sophistry for Use in the Analysis of Platonic Dialogues | da |