946 | LAN2.1 | Landgraf, Artur Michael | Introduction a l'histoire de la littterature theologique de la scolastique naissante | da |
947 | HAL1.1.3 | Alexander de Hales | Glossa in quatuor libros sententiarum Petri Lombardi. Vol. 3 | da |
948 | BAR4.2 | Baron, Roger | Etudes sur Hugues de Saint-Victor | da |
949 | HAL1.1.4 | Alexander de Hales | Glossa in quatuor libros sententiarum Petri Lombardi. Vol. 4 | da |
950 | KIL1.3 | Kilwardby, Robert; Lewry, P. Osmund (ed.) | On Time and Imagination. De Tempore. De Spiritu Fantastico | da |
951 | SIG1.7 | Brabant, Siger de; Delhaye, Philippe | Questions sur la Physique D'Aristote | da |
952 | RIPh1.113 | | Revue internationale de philosophie 113, 29e annee, fasc.3, Grabmann | da |
953 | LES1.1 | Lessines, Gilles de; De Wulf, Maurice | Le Traite De Unitate Formae | da |
954 | BRU1.1 | De Bruges, Gauthier; Longpre, E | Quaestiones Disputatae | da |
955 | GLO1.1.1 | Glorieux, Palémon | La litterature quodlibetique de 1260 a 1320 | da |
956 | LON2.1 | Long, R. James; O'Carroll, Maura | The Life and Works of Richard Fishacre, OP | da |
957 | SHA2.1 | Shapiro, Herman | Motion, Time and Place according to William Ockham | da |
958 | ANS1.8.1 | Anselm de Canterbury; Schmitt, Salesius (ed.) | Opera Omnia | da |
959 | GUI2.1 | Guillelmus de la Mare; Kraml, Hans | Quaestiones in tertium et quartum Librum Sententiarum | da |
960 | ANS1.8.2 | Anselm de Canterbury; Schmitt, Salesius (ed.) | Opera Omnia | da |
961 | STE3.3 | Van Steenberghen, Fernand | Philosophie des Mittelalters | da |
962 | AL29.1 | Aristotel | Politica | da |
963 | ANS1.8.3 | Anselm de Canterbury; Schmitt, Salesius (ed.) | Opera Omnia | da |
964 | AL7.2 | Aristotel | Physica | da |
965 | FIS1.1 | Fishacre, Richard | In Tertium Librum Sententiarum Teil 2: Dist. 23-40 | da |
966 | ANS1.8.4 | Anselm de Canterbury; Schmitt, Salesius (ed.) | Opera Omnia | da |
967 | AL4.1-4 | Aristotel | Analytica Posteriora | da |
968 | ANS1.8.5 | Anselm de Canterbury; Schmitt, Salesius (ed.) | Opera Omnia | da |
969 | ORE1.2 | Oresme, Nicole | Quaestiones super De generatione et corruptione | da |
970 | ANS1.8.6 | Anselm de Canterbury; Schmitt, Salesius (ed.) | Opera Omnia | da |