676PET2.3.1PetrarcaAfrica I-Vda
677UNT1.1.4Untersteiner, MarioSofisti : testimonianze e frammenti IVda
678UNT1.1.1Untersteiner, MarioSofisti : testimonianze e frammenti Ida
679UNT1.1.2Untersteiner, MarioSofisti : testimonianze e frammenti IIda
680UNT1.1.3Untersteiner, MarioSofisti : testimonianze e frammenti IIIda
681LEF2.1Lefèvre, CharlesSur l'évolution d'Aristote en phychologieda
682BOB2.1Bobzien, SusanDeterminism and freedom in stoic philosophyda
683SAN1.1Sandbach, F. H. Aristotle and the Stoicsda
684LON1.2Long, A. A.Problems in stoicismda
685DYS1.1Dyson, HenryProlepsis and Ennoia in the early Stoada
686BPhM54          Bulletin de philosophie médiévale SIEPMda
687ALL1.1#1Petri de AlliacoQuestiones super primum, tertium et quartum librum Sententiarum: Principia et questio circa prologumda
688HER1.2#1Hervaeus Natalis; de Rijk, L. M.De quattuor materiis sive determinationes contra magistrum Henricum de Gandavo Vol. IIda
689BEE1.1Bees, Robert Die Oikeiosislehre der Stoada
690NES1.1Ada Babette Neschke-HentschkeCallimachus IIda
691FUR1.1Furley, David J.Two studies in the greek atomistsda
692THO5.1Thome de ArgentinaSuper Sententiarum prima parsda
693PAP1.2Papahagi, Adrian (coordonator)Vocabularul cartii manuscriseda
694GOU3.1Goulet- Caze, Marie-Odile (ed.)Etudes sur la theorie stoicienne de l'actionda
695LOR1.1Lories, DanielleLe sens commun et le jugement du phronimosda
696MAN1.1Mansion, AugustinIntroduction a la Phisique aristotelicienneda
697INW1.2Inwood, Brad (ed.)Assent and argumentda
698COU1.1Couloubaritsis, Lambros La Phisique d'Aristoteda
699INW1.1Inwood, BradEthics and Human Action in Early Stoicism da
700HUD1.1Hurdy, FrancoiseLiber XXIV Philosophorum. Instrumenta lexicologica latinada