Nr.Cota  AutorTitluDisponibil
391AUG1.34.3AugustinVorträge über das Evangelium des Hl. Johannes (55-124)da
393AUG1.36AugustinAusgewählte Praktische Schriften/Homiletischen und Katechetischen Inhaltsda
394AUG1.37.1AugustinAusgewählte Briefe (I-II)da
395AUG1.37.2AugustinAusgewählte Briefe (III-IV)da
396AUG1.38AugustinDe civitate deida
397AUG1.39.1AugustineCity of God (Vol. I, Books 1-3)nu
398AUG1.39.2AugustineCity of God (Vol. II, Books 4-7)nu
399AUG1.39.3AugustineCity of God (Vol. III, Books 8-11)nu
400AUG1.39.4AugustineCity of God (Vol. IV, Books 12-15)nu
401AUG1.39.5AugustineCity of God (Vol. V, Books 16-18.35)nu
402AUG1.39.6AugustineCity of God (Vol. VI, Books 18.36-20)nu
403AUG1.39.7AugustineCity of God (Vol. VII, Books 21-22, General Index)nu
404AUG1.40AugustinDespre Treimenu
405AUG1.41.2Saint AugustinLa cité de dieu (vol. 2)da
406AUG1.42AgostinoLa Trinitàda
407AUL1.1Aulu-GelleLes nuits attiques vol.1da
408AUL1.2Aulu-GelleLes nuits attiques vol.2da
409AUL1.3Aulu-GelleLes nuits attiques vol.3da
410AUL2.1Bradley A. Ault, Lisa C. Nevett (ed.)Ancient Greek houses and households : chronological, regional, and social diversityda
411AUN1.1Aune, David E.Prophecy in Early Christianity and the Ancient Mediteranean Worldda
412AUR1.1Petrus AureolusScriptum Super Primum Sententiarum, vol. Ida
413AUR2.1Aurelius Prudentius ClemensCarminada
415AUV1.1Pierre de Auvergne; Griet Galle (ed.)Peter of Auvergne Questions on Aristotle's De Caelonu