Nr.CotaAutorTitlu  Disponibil
3591REE2.1Reeves, Marjorie ; Hirsch-Reich, BeatriceThe Figurae of Joachim of Fioreda
3592DUB2.1Duba, William O.The Forge of Doctrine. The Academic Year 1330-31 and the Rise of Scotism at the University of Paris da
3593BIR1.1Bird, Jessalynn Lea; Smith, Damian J. (eds.)The Fourth Lateran Council and the crusade movement. The impact of the council of 1215 on Latin Christendom and the eastda
3594BLU2.1Blumenberg, Hans The Genesis of the Copernican Worldda
3595LIC2.1Lickteig, Franz-BernardThe german Carmelites at the Medieval universitiesnu
3596GIL1.3Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval StudiesThe Gilson lectures on Thomas Aquinasda
3597SMI1.1Smith, LesleyThe Glossa Ordinaria. The Making of a Medieval Bible Commentaryda
3598POE1.1Poe, Edgar AllanThe Gold Bugda
3599GRO1.7.1Robert Grosseteste (trad.)The Greek commentaries on the Nicomachean ethics of Aristotle, vol. Ida
3600GRO1.7.3Robert Grosseteste (trad.)The Greek commentaries on the Nicomachean ethics of Aristotle, vol. IIIda