Nr.CotaAutorTitlu  Disponibil
3551ROG1.1Rogers, KathrinThe Anselmian Approach to God and Creationda
3552SZI1.1Szittya, Penn R.The Antifraternal Tradition in Medieval Literatureda
3553KUN2.1Kunitzsch, PaulThe Arabs and the stars: texts and traditions on the fixed stars, and their influence in medieval Europeda
3554HAR4.1Harrison, ThomasThe ark of studiesnu
3555BAC1.1Roger BaconThe art and science of logicda
3556DOL1.1Dolezalova, L; Kiss, F. G.; Wojcik, R.The Art of Memory in Late Medieval Central Europe (Czech lands, Hungary, Poland)nu
3557ARI1.26AristotelThe Athenian Constitution. The Eudemian Ethics. On Virtues and Vicesda
3558LEW1.1Lewis, SianThe Athenian Woman : an Iconographic Handbookda
3559THO1.34.1Thomas AquinasThe basic writings of Saint Thomas Aquinas. Vol. 1da
3560THO1.34.2Thomas AquinasThe basic writings of Saint Thomas Aquinas. Vol. 2da
3561HOB1.1Thomas Raynalde, Elaine Hobby (ed.)The Birth of Mankind: Otherwise Named, The Womens's Book ......da
3562PAK1.1ibn Paḳudah, Baḥye ben Yosef The book of directions to the duties of the heartda
3563YEH1.2Yehudah ha-LeṿiThe Book of Kuzarida
3564VAN1.1Vanderjagt, Arjo; van Berkel, Klaas (eds.)The Book of Nature in Antiquity and the Middle Agesda
3565CHR2.2Christine de PizanThe book of the city ladiesda
3566MON7.1Montanari, F.The Brill Dictionary of Ancient Greekda
3567GAG2.2Gagarin, Michael; Cohen, David (eds.)The Cambridge companion to ancient Greek lawda
3568MAR2.4Marenbon, John (ed.)The Cambridge companion to Boethius da
3569KRE2.1Kretzmann, N.; Kenny, A.; Pinborg, A.The Cambridge Companion to Later Medieval Philosophyda
3570SPA1.2Spade, Paul Vincent (ed.)The Cambridge Companion to Ockhamda
3571KRA1.1Kraut, RichardThe Cambridge companion to Plato da
3572GER3.1Gerson, Lloyd P. (ed.)The Cambridge Companion to Plotinus da
3573PAS1.2Pasnau, RobertThe Cambridge Translations of Medieval Philosophical Textsda
3574MCG2.1McGrade, Arthur S. ; Killcullen, John ; Kempshall, Matthew (ed.)The Cambridge Translations of Medieval Philosophical Texts, Volume Two: Ethics and Political Philosophyda
3575BRI2.2Brînzei, Monica; Schabel, Cristopher (eds.)The Cistercian James of Eltville († 1393). Author in Paris and Authority in Viennada