Nr.CotaAutorTitlu  Disponibil
336KIT1.1#2Kitanov, Severin ValentinovBeatific Enjoyment in Medieval Scholastic Debates. The Complex Legacy of Saint Augustine and Peter Lombardda
337KIT1.1#1Kitanov, Severin ValentinovBeatific Enjoyment in Medieval Scholastic Debates. The Complex Legacy of Saint Augustine and Peter Lombardda
338CAM3.1#2Campi, L.; Simonetta, S. (eds.)Before and After Wyclif: Sources and Textual Influencesda
339CAM3.1Campi, L.; Simonetta, S. (eds.)Before and After Wyclif: Sources and Textual Influencesnu
340LIN1.1Lindberg, David C.Beginnings of Western Science: The European Scientific Tradition in Philosophical, Religious, and Institutional Context, 600 B.C. to A.D. 1450da
341MAC9.1MacDonald, ScottBeing and goodness. The concept of the good in metaphysics and philosophical theologyda
342SEL1.1Seligman, Paul BEING AND NOT-BEING. An introduction to Plato`s Sophistda
344PRO3.1.1ProcopiusBella, I-IV (vol. I)da
345CAE1.5C. Iulius CaesarBellum Civileda