Nr.Cota  AutorTitluDisponibil
306ARI1.54AristotelPolitica (ed. O. Immisch)da
307ARI1.55AristotelDe coloribus, De audibilibus, Physiognomonicada
308ARI1.56AristotelDe Plantis alia, ed. O. Apeltda
309ARI1.57AristotelMetaphysica (ed. W. Christ)da
310ARI1.58AristotelAthenaion Politeiada
311ARI1.59Pseudo-AristotelCartea despre măr şi moarteda
312ARI1.60Aristotel; David Ross (ed.)De animada
313ARI1.61AristotelPetits traites d'histoire naturelleda
314ARI1.62AristotelEthica Nicomacheada
315ARI1.63AristotelDe motu animaliumda
316ARI1.64AristotelStatul atenianda
317ARI1.65AristotelParva naturalia : scurte tratate de ştiinţe naturaleda
319ARI1.67.3AristotelesDe animalibus, vol. 3: Books XV - XIX: Generation of animalsda
320ARI1.68AristoteDu cielda
321ARI1.69.1AristotleProblems (Vol. I, Books 1-19)nu
322ARI1.69.2AristotleProblems (Vol. II, Books 20-38), Rhetoric to Alexandernu
323ARI1.70AnonimAutorităţile lui Aristotelda
325ARI2.1.2AristophanesComoediae, vol. IIda
326ARI3.1Aristides QuintilianusDe musicada
327ARM1.1Armstrong, A. H.Arhitectura universului inteligibil in filosofia lui Plotinnu
328ARM1.2Armstrong, A. H.L'architecture de l'univers intelligible dans la philosophie de Plotin: une étude analytique et historiqueda
329ARN1.1Arnaldez, RogerFakhr al-Dîn al-Râzîda
330ARN2.1Hans von Arnim (ed.)Fragmentele stoicilor vechida