Nr.CotaAutor  TitluDisponibil
2806BRI2.1Monica Brînzei (ed.)Nicolas of Dinkelsbuhl and the Sentences at VIenna in the Early Fifteenth Centuryda
2807MON2.1Monson, Don A.Andreas Capellanus, Scholasticism and the courtly traditionda
2808MON1.1Montagnes, BernardLa doctrine de l'analogie de l'être d'après Saint Thomas d'Aquinda
2809MON7.1Montanari, F.The Brill Dictionary of Ancient Greekda
2810MON5.1MontesquieuPersianische Briefeda
2811MOO1.1Moore, A.W.The infiniteda
2812MOR4.1Mora-Marquez, Ana María The Thirteenth-Century Notion of Signification. The Discussions and their Origin and Developmentda
2813MOR1.1Morall, John B.Political Thought in Medieval Timesda
2814MOR2.2Moraux, Paul Alexandre d'Aphrodise. Exegete de la Noetique d'Aristoteda
2815MOR2.1Moraux, PaulKritisch-exegetisches zu Aristotelesda