2751GIO1.3Joachim de FioreDas Zeitalter des Heiligen Geistesda
2752REE2.1Reeves, Marjorie ; Hirsch-Reich, BeatriceThe Figurae of Joachim of Fioreda
2753WES3.1West, Delno C.; Zimdars-Swartz, Sandra L.Joachim of Fiore : a study in spiritual perception and historyda
2754REE2.2Reeves, Marjorie; Gould, WarwickJoachim of Fiore and the myth of the Eternal Evangel in the nineteenth and twentieth centuriesda
2755SCH2.1Schmolinsky, SabineDer Apokalypsenkommentar des Alexander Minorita zur frühen Rezeption Joachims von Fiore in Deutschlandda
2756REE2.3Reeves, MarjorieJoachim of Fiore and the prophetic futureda
2757HUG1.7Hugo de Saint-Victor ; Berndt, Rainer (ed.)De sacramentis Christianae fideida
2758SAF1.2Saffrey, Henri DominiqueRecherches sur le néoplatonisme après Plotinda
2759PAP3.1Papahagi, Cristina (trad.)Cântarea despre Guillaumeda
2760TAO1.1#2Taormina, D. P.Jamblique Critique de Plotin et de Porphyreda