2576 | MON5.1 | Montesquieu | Persianische Briefe | da |
2577 | THO1.29.6 | *** | Persona, legge naturale, diritti umani in una società complessa e globale | nu |
2578 | JOL1.5 | Jolivet, Jean | Perspectives médiévales et arabes | da |
2579 | ROS1.2 | Rosemann, Philipp W. | Peter Lombard | da |
2580 | COL3.1.1 | Marcia L. Colish (ed.) | Peter Lombard vol. I | da |
2581 | COL3.1.2 | Marcia L. Colish (ed.) | Peter Lombard vol. II | da |
2582 | AUV1.1 | Pierre de Auvergne; Griet Galle (ed.) | Peter of Auvergne Questions on Aristotle's De Caelo | nu |
2583 | HIS1.2 | Petrus Hispanus | Peter of spain, Questiones super libro 'De animalibus' aristotelis | da |
2584 | THO1.7 | Thomas d'Aquin | Petite somme politique (ant. D. Sureau) | da |
2585 | ARI1.61 | Aristotel | Petits traites d'histoire naturelle | da |
2586 | LOM1.1 | Petrus Lombardus; Migne, J.-P. (ed.) | Petri Lombardi Senteriarum Libri Quatuor | da |
2587 | KOG1.1 | Kogel, Julius | Petrus Lombardus in seiner Stellung zur Philosophie des Mittelalters | da |
2588 | AMB1.1 | Ambrosius | Pflichtenlehre und Ausgewählte Kleinere Schriften | da |
2589 | PLA1.22 | Platon | Phaidon | da |
2590 | PLA1.21 | Platon | Phedon | da |
2591 | PLA1.11 | Platon | Phedon | da |
2592 | LEV1.1 | Lévy, Carlos (ed.) | Philon d'Alexandrie et le langage de la philosophie | da |
2593 | SOR1.1 | Sorabji, Richard | Philoponus and the Rejection of Aristotelian Science | da |
2594 | CAS1.4 | Cassin, Barbara | Philosopher en langues. Les intraduisibles en traduction | da |
2595 | BAR6.1 | J. Barnes, M.Griffin (eds.) | Philosophia togata, I, Essays on Philosophy and Roman Society | da |
2596 | BAR6.2 | J. Barnes, M.Griffin (eds.) | Philosophia togata, Ii, Plato and Aristotle at Rome | da |
2597 | BRI2.3 | Brînzei, Monica; Schabel, Cristopher (eds.) | Philosophical psychology in late-medieval commentaries on Peter Lombard's Sentences | da |
2598 | VIG1.2 | Vignaux, Paul | Philosophie au moyen age | nu |
2599 | STE3.3 | Van Steenberghen, Fernand | Philosophie des Mittelalters | da |
2600 | GUE1.1 | Guelluy, Robert | Philosophie et Théologie chez Guillaume d'Ockham | da |