Nr.CotaAutorTitlu  Disponibil
2576MON5.1MontesquieuPersianische Briefeda
2577THO1.29.6***Persona, legge naturale, diritti umani in una società complessa e globale nu
2578JOL1.5Jolivet, JeanPerspectives médiévales et arabesda
2579ROS1.2Rosemann, Philipp W.Peter Lombardda
2580COL3.1.1Marcia L. Colish (ed.)Peter Lombard vol. Ida
2581COL3.1.2Marcia L. Colish (ed.)Peter Lombard vol. IIda
2582AUV1.1Pierre de Auvergne; Griet Galle (ed.)Peter of Auvergne Questions on Aristotle's De Caelonu
2583HIS1.2Petrus HispanusPeter of spain, Questiones super libro 'De animalibus' aristotelisda
2584THO1.7Thomas d'AquinPetite somme politique (ant. D. Sureau)da
2585ARI1.61AristotelPetits traites d'histoire naturelleda
2586LOM1.1Petrus Lombardus; Migne, J.-P. (ed.)Petri Lombardi Senteriarum Libri Quatuorda
2587KOG1.1Kogel, JuliusPetrus Lombardus in seiner Stellung zur Philosophie des Mittelaltersda
2588AMB1.1AmbrosiusPflichtenlehre und Ausgewählte Kleinere Schriftenda
2592LEV1.1Lévy, Carlos (ed.)Philon d'Alexandrie et le langage de la philosophieda
2593SOR1.1Sorabji, RichardPhiloponus and the Rejection of Aristotelian Scienceda
2594CAS1.4Cassin, Barbara Philosopher en langues. Les intraduisibles en traductionda
2595BAR6.1J. Barnes, M.Griffin (eds.)Philosophia togata, I, Essays on Philosophy and Roman Societyda
2596BAR6.2J. Barnes, M.Griffin (eds.)Philosophia togata, Ii, Plato and Aristotle at Romeda
2597BRI2.3Brînzei, Monica; Schabel, Cristopher (eds.)Philosophical psychology in late-medieval commentaries on Peter Lombard's Sentencesda
2598VIG1.2Vignaux, PaulPhilosophie au moyen agenu
2599STE3.3Van Steenberghen, FernandPhilosophie des Mittelaltersda
2600GUE1.1Guelluy, RobertPhilosophie et Théologie chez Guillaume d'Ockhamda