2521LUL1.5Raimundus LullusArbre de scienceda
2522BRI4.2Luc Brisson, Seamus O'Neill, Andrei Timotin (eds.)Neoplatonic Demons and Angelsda
2523BPhM59          Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale, nr. 59da
2524BPhM58          Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale, nr. 58da
2525BAS1.3#1Iohannis de Basilea, OESALectura super quattuor libros sententiarum, tomus III (super secundum librum)da
2526SAL4.1Salvador, Xavier Laurent Archeologie et etimologie semantiques. La traduction du livre de l'Exode de la Bible Historiale (1295)da
2527BER3.2Pasquale Bermon (trad.), J. Verger (introd.)La fondation de l'Universite de Parisda
2528RIC3.1Riche, Pierre; Verger, Jacques Maitres et eleves au Moyen Ageda
2529CRI3.2Crîşmăreanu, FlorinQuae videntur omnia cruce egentda
2530MOR4.1Mora-Marquez, Ana María The Thirteenth-Century Notion of Signification. The Discussions and their Origin and Developmentda
2531MedEn24          Medieval Encountersda
2532EatRoL3.2          Erudition and the Republic of Lettersda
2533Orie46***ORIENS. Journal of Philosophy, Theology and Science in the Islamic Societiesda
2534IHIW6          Intellectual History of the Islamicate Worldda
2535Quae48          QUAERENDO. A journal Devoted to Manuscripts and Printed Booksda
2536BPhM56          Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale, nr. 56da
2537BPhM57          Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale, nr. 57da
2538ROQ1.1Roques, Magali L'essentialisme de Guillaume d'Ockhamda
2539NUC1.2Nuchelmans, GabrielLate-Scholastic and Humanist Theories of Proposition nu
2540THU3.1Thuillier, JeanAllez les rouges! Les jeux du cirque en Etrurie et a Romeda
2541CAR4.1Cartelle, E. Montero; Manjarrés, M. Á. González; Dictionarium Latinum Andrologiae, Gynecologiae et Embryologiae | Diccionario Latino de Andrología, Ginecología y Embriología Ab Antiquitate usque ad XVI saeculum | Desde la Antigüedad hasta el siglo XVIda
2542PAN1.2Panaccio, Claude (ed.)Le nominalisme: ontologie, langage, connaissance (Textes clés du nominalisme)da
2543AVI1.6#1Avicenne (?)Épître sur les prophétiesda
2544BER11.1Nicole BériouReligion et communication: Un autre regard sur la prédication au Moyen Ageda
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