2511 | LIV2.1.3 | Livius, Titus | Ab Urbe condita ( XXVI - XXX) | da |
2512 | LIV2.1.2 | Livius, Titus | Ab Urbe condita (XXIII - XXV) | da |
2513 | LIV2.1.1 | Livius, Titus | Ab Urbe condita ( XXI, XXII) | da |
2514 | LIV2.3.1 | Livivs, Titus | Ab vrbe condita ( XXI-XXII) | da |
2515 | LLO1.1 | Llorente Megias, Paloma; Otero Vidal, Merce | Liber de causis. Indice y Concordancia | da |
2516 | LLO2.1 | Lloyd, Geoffrey Ernest Richard | The ambivalences of rationality : ancient and modern cross-cultural explorations | nu |
2517 | LOC1.1 | Locke, John | John Locke: literary and historical writings | nu |
2518 | ALB2.11 | Loconsole, Mario; Miteva, Evelina; Panarelli, Marilena (eds.) | Natural Philosophy in Albert the Great : a dialogue of disciplines | da |
2519 | LOH2.1 | Lohmann, Dieter | Die Komposition der Reden in der Ilias | da |
2520 | LOH1.1.1.2 | Lohr, Charles H. | Latin Aristotle Commentaries. I.2 Medieval Authors M-Z | da |
2521 | LOH1.1.2 | Lohr, Charles H. | Latin Aristotle Commentaries. II. Renaissance Authors | da |
2522 | LOH1.1.3 | Lohr, Charles H. | Latin Aristotle Commentaries. III. Index Initiorum - Index finium | da |
2523 | LOH1.1.5 | Lohr, Charles H. | Latin Aristotle Commentaries. V. Bibliography of Secondary Litterature | da |
2524 | LOH1.2 | Lohr, Charles H. | Commentateurs d'Aristote au Moyen-Age latin. Bibliographie de la litterature secondaire recente | da |
2525 | LOH1.1.1.1 | Lohr, Charles H. | Latin Aristotle Commentaries. I.1 Medieval Authors A-L | da |
2526 | LOI1.1. | Loiret, Francois | Volonte et infini chez Duns Scot | da |
2527 | LON1.2 | Long, A. A. | Problems in stoicism | da |
2528 | LON1.1 | Long, Anthony A. | Handbuch frühe griechische Philosophie | da |
2529 | LON1.3 | Long, Anthony Arthur | Epictetus : a Stoic and Socratic guide to life | da |
2530 | LON3.1 | Long, Kathleen P. | Hermaphrodites in Renaissance Europe | da |
2531 | LON2.1 | Long, R. James; O'Carroll, Maura | The Life and Works of Richard Fishacre, OP | da |
2532 | LON6.1 | Longère, Jean (ed.) | L' abbaye parisienne de Saint-Victor au Moyen Age : communications présentées au XIIIe Colloque d' Humanisme Médiéval de Paris (1986-1988) | nu |
2533 | LON5.1 | Longeway, John | Demonstration and scientific knowledge in William of Ockham: a translation of 'Summa logicae' III-II: 'De syllogismo demonstrativo', and selections from the prologue to the 'Ordinatio' | da |
2534 | VAL3.1 | Lorenzo Valla | Dialogue sur le libre-arbitre | da |
2535 | LOR1.1 | Lories, Danielle | Le sens commun et le jugement du phronimos | da |