Nr.Cota  AutorTitluDisponibil
2211MAR22.1Marouzeau, J.LE LATIN. Dix Causeriesda
2212MAR23.1Marrou, Henri Saint Augustine et l'augustinismeda
2213MAR24.1Markus, R. ASigns and meanings : world and text in ancient Christianityda
2214MAR25.1Marinca, Andrei PaulDebates on the Continuum in the Natural Philosophy of the XIVth Centuryda
2215MAR25.2Marinca, AndreiDebates on the Continuum in the Natural Philosophy of the XIVth Centuryda
2216MAS1.1Masai, FrançoisPléthon et le platonisme de Mistrada
2217MAT1.1Matheus de AquaspartaQuestiones disputatae de anima XIIIda
2218MAT1.2Matheus de AquaspartaIntrebari despre cunostereda
2219MAT2.1Mathaeus de CracoviaDe contractibus (De translacione rerum temporalium)da
2220MAT2.2Mathaeus de CracoviaRationale divinorum operumda