Nr.CotaAutor  TitluDisponibil
2086HAR4.1Harrison, ThomasThe ark of studiesnu
2087HAR2.1Hart, H.L.A.The Concept Of Lawda
2088HAS1.1Hasenohr, Genevieve; Longere, JeanCulture et travail intellectuel dans l'occident medievalda
2089HAS4.1Haskins, Charles HomerStudies in medieval cultureda
2090HAS2.1Hastings, RobertNature and reason in the Decameronda
2091HAV2.1Havelock, Eric A.PREFACE TO PLATOda
2092HAV2.2Havelock, Eric A.The greek concept of justice.From its shadow in Homer to its subtance in Platoda
2093~E.35Hebbel, FriedrichDer Maler/Pictorulda
2094HEI1.3Heidegger, MartinEssais et conferencesda
2095HEI1.2Heidegger, MartinRepere pe drumul gandiriida