Nr.CotaAutorTitlu  Disponibil
1806LIB1.3 Libera, Alain de ; Elamrani-Jamal, A ; Galonnier, AlainLangages et philosophieda
1807DEN5.1Denyer, NicholasLanguage, thought, and falsehood in ancient Greek philosophyda
1808NUC1.2Nuchelmans, GabrielLate-Scholastic and Humanist Theories of Proposition nu
1809MGH/LHL***Lateinisches Hexameter-Lexikonda
1810LOH1.1.1.1Lohr, Charles H. Latin Aristotle Commentaries. I.1 Medieval Authors A-Lda
1811LOH1.1.1.2Lohr, Charles H.Latin Aristotle Commentaries. I.2 Medieval Authors M-Zda
1812LOH1.1.2Lohr, Charles H.Latin Aristotle Commentaries. II. Renaissance Authorsda
1813LOH1.1.3Lohr, Charles H.Latin Aristotle Commentaries. III. Index Initiorum - Index finiumda
1814LOH1.1.5Lohr, Charles H.Latin Aristotle Commentaries. V. Bibliography of Secondary Litteratureda
1815PER8.1Perret, JacquesLatin et Cultureda
1816KRI1.1Kristeller, Paul OskarLatin Manuscript Books before 1600da
1817EGY1.2Egyed, PéterLátleletda
1818MEE1.1Meerseman, G.Laurentii Pignon Catalogi et Chronica accedunt Catalogi Stamnensis et Upsalensis Scriptorumda
1819WOO1.1Woozley, A. D. LAW AND OBEDIENCE. The arguments of Plato`s Critoda
1820KIR4.1Kirby, Gerald J.Law in the Writings of John of Salisbury and St. Thomas Aquinasda
1821COH1.1Cohen, DavidLaw, sexuality, and society: the enforcement of morals in classical Athensda
1822LOR1.1Lories, DanielleLe sens commun et le jugement du phronimosda
1823COS2.2Costa, Iacopo (ed.)Le 'questiones' di Radulfo Brito sull’ « Etica Nicomachea »da
1824BRU4.2Bruno, GiordanoLe banquet des Cendresda
1825BOU3.6Boulnois, Olivier; Moulin, Isabelle (eds.)Le beau et la beauté au Moyen Âgeda
1826KON1.1König-Pralong, CatherineLe bon usage des savoirsda
1827MAR16.26Maritain, JacquesLe cantique des cantiquesda
1828COR1.2Corbin, MichelLe chemin de la theologie chez Thomas d'Aquinda
1829BAG1.1Agostino Paravicini BaglianiLe chiavi e la tiara. Immagini e simboli del papato medievaleda
1830MES1.1Meslin, Michel Le christianisme dans l'Empire Romainda