Nr.Cota  AutorTitluDisponibil
1636HAR4.1Harrison, ThomasThe ark of studiesnu
1637HAS1.1Hasenohr, Genevieve; Longere, JeanCulture et travail intellectuel dans l'occident medievalda
1638HAS2.1Hastings, RobertNature and reason in the Decameronda
1639HAS3.1.1Bohuslai HassensteiniiA lobkowicz epistulae VOL Ida
1640HAS3.1.2Bohuslai HassensteiniiA lobkowicz epistulae VOL IIda
1641HAS4.1Haskins, Charles HomerStudies in medieval cultureda
1642HAV1.1.1Anselme de HavelbergDialogues (livre I)da
1643HAV2.1Havelock, Eric A.PREFACE TO PLATOda
1644HAV2.2Havelock, Eric A.The greek concept of justice.From its shadow in Homer to its subtance in Platoda
1645HDK1Baus, KarlVon der Urgemeinde zur fruhchristlichen Grosskircheda