Nr.CotaAutorTitlu  Disponibil
171X-sch5.4Schabel, C.Francis of Marchia on Divine Ideasda
172X-sch5.19Schabel C. , Papamarkou C. si Katsoura E.Francis of Marchia's Commentary on Book 4 of the sentences. Traditions and Redactions, with Questions on Projectile Motion, Polygamy, and the Immortality of the Soulda
173X-sch5.7Schabel, C. si Friedman, R. L.Francis of Marchia's Commentary on Sentences: Question List and State of Researchda
174X-der2.1De Rijk, Lambert MarieGilbert de Poitiers. Ses vues semantiques et metaphysiquesda
175X-nas2.1 Nash, PeterGiles of Rome and the Subject of Theologyda
176X-mca1.1McAleer, GrahamGiles of Rome on political authorityda
177X-don3.1 D'Onofrio, Giulio Giovanni Scoto e Boezioda
178X-ghi1.1Ghisalberti, AlessandroGli inizi dell'aristotelismo e l'avvio della teologia scolasticada
179X-imb1.3#1Imbach, RuediGravis iactura verae doctrinaeda
180x-imb1.3#2Imbach RuediGravis iactura verae doctrinaeda