
Nr.TipCotaAutor  TitluDisponibil
3961CarteTHO1.10Thomas d'Aquin / Dietrich de FreibergL'etre et l'essenceda
3962CarteTHO1.27Thomas de AquinoSumma contra Gentilesda
3963CarteTHO2.1Thomas de Celano (Fericitul Toma de Celano)Viata Sfantului Francisc de Assisida
3964CarteMAG5.1Thomas MagisterEcloga vocum Atticarumda
3965CarteHOB1.1Thomas Raynalde, Elaine Hobby (ed.)The Birth of Mankind: Otherwise Named, The Womens's Book ......da
3966CarteTHO1.28Thomas von AquinKommentar zur Nikomachischen Ethikda
3967CarteTHO1.24.2Thomas von Aquin; Schrödter, HermannKommentar zum Trinitätstraktat des Boethius (II)da
3968CarteTHO1.24.1Thomas von Aquin; Schrödter, HermannExpositio super librum Boethii De trinitate (I)da
3969CarteTHO5.1Thome de ArgentinaSuper Sententiarum prima parsda
3970CarteTHO4.1.1Thomson, Rodney M. (ed.)Catalogue of Medieval Manuscripts of Latin Commentaries on Aristotle in British Libraries. Volume I: Oxfordda