
Nr.TipCotaAutor  TitluDisponibil
3941Articolx-the1.1Thery, Gabriel Alexandre d' Aphrodiseda
3942CarteTHE1.1Théry, Julien (ed.)Le livre des sentences de l'inquisiteur Bernard Guida
3943CarteTHE2.1Thery, P. G, OPEtudes Dionysiennes, I, Hilduin, traducteur de Denysda
3944CarteTHI1.1Thijssen, J. M. M. H.The commentary tradition on Aristotle's De generatione et corruptioneda
3945ArticolX-thi1.1Thijssen, J. M. M. H. What Really Happened On 7 March 1277? Bishop Tempier's Condemnation And Its Institutional Context Advanced Search What Really Happened On 7 March 1277? Bishop Tempier's Condemnation And Its Institutional Contextda
3946ArticolX-thi1.2Thijssen, J. M. M. H. The response to Thomas Aquinas in the early fourteenth century: eternity and infinity in the works of Henry of Harclay, Thomas of Wilton and William of Alnwick O. F. M.da
3947CarteTHO1.17Thoma de AquinoSumma Theologica, III pars, supplementumda
3948CarteTHO1.11Thoma de AquinoIn Metaphisicam Aristotelisda
3949CarteTHO1.12Thoma de AquinoCommentaria in librum beati Dionysii De divinis nominibusda
3950CarteTHO1.13Thoma de AquinoCommenti a Boezio (Super Boethium de Trinitate, Expositio libri Boethii de Ebdomadibus)da